
Showing posts from May, 2021

Do Super Heroes Exist?

 Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! I am back again with a very inspiring blog. Do you all believe that superheroes exist? Many of yours answer would be positive, and others would be negative. You all would be thinking that I am going to talk about the fictional world of superheroes, but it's not like that. In this blog, I am going to talk about my real superhero, my father. My father is the best because he always…Wait, if you want to know that why I love my father this much, read the blog till last. Let’s go and dive into the real world of superheroes. I love my father a lot, and the real reason is that he cares for me a lot. He always tries to give his 100% to his family and works hard to fulfil all our needs. He also takes care of our wants but only the necessary wants. He made the best decision possible for us every time. He is very selfless. I always want to be with him. This year we moved to Mumbai, and this was a big decision as we needed to invest some big amount o