My Hobby........

 My favorite hobby; art.

My favourite hobby has never changed since I was young, and that is art. Ever since I was little I loved to create, craft, and draw things. It has never stopped and even now, whenever I have a pencil at hand with my notebook or a piece of paper, I will create and draw. My favourite aspects of drawing are creating characters of all sorts, inspired by people I see around me or pictures inspired by�the music I'm listening to. In college now, I am studying Fine art and graphic design, as these are my two favourite subjects to do. In the future I would love to do many things related to art, such as making my own t-shirt/jumper designs, illustrating books, becoming a tattooist, making comics, becoming a special effects artist or even a make-up artist. If failing all of these I will still wish to continue into making art that I would love to be commissioned for or give them as presents. One day I would love to create a mural on a wall somewhere of a drawing of mine.


Ovee Danave

Grade 3


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