My Little Sister

 My mother has given me wonderful gift, when baby was in my mother's womb, I always use to pray it should be girl. God has given me beautiful sister, whom I call Saanvi. When she was born I was very happy little angel came to our family.

I used to change her diaper and try to put her sleep when mom is busy with her other work.

She is around 3 years old her pet name is saanu , she is fair and silky hair. She is like a doll and she is mischievous and very talkative. She likes to dance and sing. Her favorite song is VAste and le jaa. She loves to drink only milk.

We both fight and love each other. She loves to wear my dresses. Whenever I will talk with mom she will start disturbing me, she wants attention every time. She will cry for small things. She is going to playgroup but she is lucky don't have online classes.

Without her, I am not able to spend the day. When she goes to daycare I missed her, during lockdown we are able to spend much time with each other.

I am glad to have a little cute sister.


Tanishqa Koshti


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