My Secret Santa

 Hello!.......dear friends! It’s good to meet again. I am back again this week with another topic but this time it is a Christmassy topic as Christmas’s near. Can you guess the topic? It’s something related to Santa. Yes, that’s right! It’s my Secret Santa.

Who do you think is your Secret Santa? I think my Secret Santa is my mother and my father because they fulfill all my wishes all around the year. I think that everyone’s Secret Santa is their mother and father as they try to fulfill all the wishes of their children. Well, I have a very alluring question for all of you that is if you had a chance to meet Santa who has magical powers. The Santa who is the same for everybody what will be your wish. What would you ask for toys or maybe magical powers or nothing? I don’t know what you will ask for but let me tell you what I will ask for. I will ask Santa to fulfill my parents' and my grandparents' wishes. Because we children can ask for all our desires from our parents but our parents and grandparents have no one to fulfill their desires. So I want their wishes to be fulfilled and them to be happy.
So friends did you like my wish? I hope all your wishes will come true! So that’s enough blogging for today. At last, I would like to wish you all

Author : Kaavya Paliwal

Grade 5


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