My Three Wishes

 Hi guys. This is Sarisha. Today I am writing a blog on my three wishes. Yesterday my friend met me for a long time. We were conversing with each other. During conversing, she asked me a question that what would be my three wishes and why I what those wishes to come true. My first wish was 'If I would have Wings'. So that I can Fly up in the sky and see the scenery. I would see the different types of birds flying in the sky. When there is school instead of going by bus I would fly and reach there. My second wish is 'If there were no exams'. I think If there were no exams we would enjoy it a lot. No exams only studies and vacations after studies are over and during summer vacations. My third wish is 'If birthday comes every month in the year'. I would be the luckiest person. There would be so many gifts in a month. I would cut a cake every month. How amazing it would be If my all these three wishes come true.

Sarisha Takke

Grade 3


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