Precious Gift - Water And Nature

 Author: Nirbhava Bhandary

Hello, Readers today I would like to discuss a very important topic with you. Do you know what makes our planet so unique? Earth is the only planet that has life-giving 'Water'.

We all know how water is important for us, human beings, animals, and plants all depend on water to survive but the amount of fresh water on earth is less. We get fresh water from the rains however due to the cutting of trees, deforestation has affected the water cycle and there is hardly any rain near dams and rivers. Even farmers depend on rain for their crops. In many states like Karnataka and Maharashtra farmers are facing drought year after year.
Dr. Anil Kumar Malhotra and Pamela Malhotra who traveled to India from the U.S.A in 1986 were very sad when they saw that the forest in India was disappearing. They came back to India and started Sai i.e Save Animal Initiative; Which is India's first private wildlife sanctuary, they bought 55 acres of barren land in the Kodagu district of Karnataka and began a sanctuary trust. The land was used and the farmers got to repay their debts as their land was idle. Today their sanctuary is over 300 Acres and home to many exotic species of wildlife like leopards, elephants & king cobra. Dr. Anil Kumar and his wife Pamela were honored by the Government of India for their efforts to save the forests. The once barren lands are lush forests today. There is normal rainfall in the region now, even 10 km away from the sanctuary receives normal rain.

We all should take inspiration from Dr. Anil Malhotra and Pamela Malhotra and plant trees around us and take care of them. In our schools or near our homes we can create a green area.

By - Nirbhava Bhandary


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