The Magical Teapot


There was an old man named, Yang Shing Liu. He had owned a bone china shop which was filled with unique and antiques crockery like teacups and saucers, teapots, and many more. Yang Shing Liu had three sons. His first son's name was Kim Quian and he was very lazy. He used to all-day sit in front of the TV and never help around. His second son's name was Lee Shaishi and he was a person whose temper was very high. He always talked to his brothers in a rude manner. And the third son's name was and Zhao and he was fond of books. He loved to study and was very kind. But he was blind so he did not get well education and his brothers treated him very badly.

One day the old man fell ill, so before he was gonna go he called his three sons and gave them an antique teapot. He told his three sons that it is a magical teapot that will grant you wishes. But it will only grant them once a year for 3 years. He said that it is very precious and if it is broken all its power will be extinct. The next day all the three brothers decided to grant their first wish. Kim Quian wished that he had super special goggles that allowed him to see the screen without hurting his eyes. Lee Shaishi wished he was bigger than his other brother so the magic had made him the biggest. And Wang Zhao had wished that he wanted proper eyesight. All three brothers were very happy with their decisions. And the year passed soon. The next year Lee Shaishi and Kim Quian asked for their same wishes that they had for the previous year. While Wang Zhao wanted to try to gain all the knowledge of his surroundings. And the next year came and it was time to grant their last wishes. Kim Quian wished that he had a 10kg brick of gold. Hearing this Lee Shaishi got really angry and he snatched the teapot because he even wanted the same thing. Both brothers started fighting and knocked off the teapot. The teapot broke into fragments and took all the wishes back. But it did not take back the eyesight and knowledge that Wang Zhao had gained cause he had used his wishes in a valuable way.

From this, the other 2 brothers learned their lesson. They stopped being lazy, greedy, and selfish. They had started walking on their brother's path to success.


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By - Arya Gupta


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