Work From Home At My House

 Author: Soham Kadam

Hey readers, I am back with a new and very interesting topic. Today's topic is based on work from home and in today's blog, I am going to tell you all what are the advantages of work from home at my house and what are the disadvantages of work from home at my house. I hope you all will like this blog and also enjoy it, So without wasting your and my time Let's begin.

During this lockdown, We are not able to go out of our home so our parents are doing work from home. At my house, my parents are doing work from home. They are having some advantages and disadvantages to it. The advantage of work from home is that my parents do not need to travel and they don't need to hurry to go to work. The disadvantage of Work from home is that my parents need to work more than 4 to 5 hours than before in work from home. My parents need to work on holidays, they are not able to spend time with family like before, they need to work till late night, they are not having time to eat also, The electricity bills are getting more expensive because of work from home, They get frustrated because of a lot of work. They are not able to manage Office work and Housework.

 I hope you all liked this blog and also enjoyed it a lot. I will meet you next time with more exciting topics till then Stay Home Stay Safe.

By - Soham Kadam


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