An Imaginary Creature

 Hello everyone! Today I am going to write an interesting blog on the topic named ‘Imaginary Creature’. I hope you would be curious to read and enjoy my blog.

One night I was sleeping in my room. As it was my birthday the next day I remained busy doing my birthday preparation the whole day. In the evening I was so tired that I fast got asleep. In my dream, I saw something strange happening. Can you guess what? I saw a very strange creature standing at the window of my room waving hands towards me. I don’t know what it was; I was scared as well as confused to see it. It might be an insect or an alien but it had a very unpleasant look. I made myself hid under the bedsheet. That creature was green in color with big eyes, four ears, and four limbs. It came closer to me, put his hands on my head, greeted me hello, and also wished me happy birthday dear friend. Hearing this birthday wish from him I cooled down, gathered some confidence, and looked towards him. I saw his eyes were sparkling like stars. They were so glazing that I soon got attracted towards them. Now, slowly-slowly I liked his presence. I wanted to spend some time with him but don’t know when I got asleep. When I woke up in the morning everything seems to be normal. I looked for that creature but couldn’t find it. I told all this to my parents and they laughed at it.

I can say that it was a very loving and caring imaginary creature. Hope you all enjoyed this blog and it was a good time pass for you all.

By- Shivansh Kumar

Grade -4


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