My Alien Friend

 Hello, Orcadians I am back with another fascinating topic, My Alien Friend.

One evening when I came back home from school and went to my bedroom, I saw a damaged UFO, full of smoke in the corner and something was coming out of it towards me. I was scared and started shouting and suddenly that walking thing got disappeared. I felt it was my imagination and got back to my routine. After a while, when I was reading my storybook, I realized some moment in my room and again I saw a similar image, I gathered some courage and tried to ask that being who are you? What does he want? He took a pen and paper from my study table and wrote that they had come from another planet and in an accident, their UFO got damaged so he needs my help. I had no option than to trust him. The very moment I had a thought of my uncle who is a scientist in Area 51 and he is an expert in all of this stuff so I knew he could help him. I told him that my uncle works in Area 51 he could help us. Then I called him and brief the entire situation.

Till the time he would come I had a thought that I can introduce him to my friends but he is an alien and taking him in public can risk his life which I told him and he said no problem I can exactly look like a human being and immediately he transformed and was looking like a normal boy. My uncle came and started working on the UFO. In the meanwhile, we went to the playground. I introduced my friends to him. I and this new friend of mine had a lot of fun that day. The surprising part was none of my human friends were knowing that they are playing with an Alien. When we reached home uncle secretly told me that he has fixed the UFO and my new friend can go back to his home in it. The alien was so happy to visit his family that he hugged me. He said he will always remember me and asked me will you be my friend, I hugged him back and said yes. And he left happily and now I had one more friend.

I hope you would like my blog thank you.

By- Arya Sanap

Grade - 4


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