Be Friends With Trees

 It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees are certainly our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees have inherited this earth longer than humans; however, humans tend to forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit them endlessly for short-term benefits.

Just like our friends, trees also come into our use in various ways.

They are responsible for protecting us under their shade. Further, they even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In addition to being useful for humans, trees are also a home for several birds and animals.

They provide shelter to them which ultimately benefits humans as well. In other words, trees fulfill the role of a best friend in every human being’s life irrespective of anything. So I want to tell you a story about trees.

Once upon a time, Tim the boy, who was going to his grandpa’s house. Who lived in the village. One day when he was playing in the garden, he wanted to do an experiment.

He wanted to cut a newborn plant. But when he was about to cut the plant, there was a noise like this ” whaan..whaaannn…..whaaaa….Don’t cut me”.

Tin looked around himself but he could not find anyone. So he started cutting again.

But the same sound came again…” Please don’t cut me…O please don’t cut me”.

Tin was surprised that the little baby plant was talking. “So you are talking to me and what do you want,” Tin asked. Then the baby plant replied,” Please stop cutting me. Why are you cutting me?”.

Tim said I am doing an experiment. Now, don’t interrupt me.

Then the mother who was near the baby plant said “O please don’t cut my baby. Tell me what did he do? “.

Tim said he did nothing to me.

Then why are you hurting my poor little baby? asked the baby plant’s mother. Then Tim said, ” I can do whatever I want to do”.

She told, “Think this Tin! what is your favorite fruit?”.

Mango, Black Grapes, Strawberry, and Orange Tim replied. Then plant’s mom said, do you know that all of that comes from the tree.

Can you tell me your favorite vegetable? She asked.

Yes, it is broccoli Tim replied.

They all come out of the trees too, said baby plant’s mom. And did you know that we, the trees give you the most important thing that you need to survive?.

No! said, Tim.

We give you oxygen, which allows you to be alive and breathe. We give you food, house, wood to burn, paper, pencil, medicine, and many more things that you need to survive, Mom said.

You can be a friend of me and my baby plant. Let’s all be friends.

Then Tim realized that he was hurting something that helps him survive. And then he said to the tree that I will tell everyone about Never Cutting Trees. I will tell that to my friends, family, and everyone. Sorry that I was hurting your baby plant. Let’s all be friends.

So this is the story of the mother tree and the baby plant. So after hearing all of this I think now you understand why we should. Let’s meet next time my friends' bye for now.

By-  Enoch Suraj Bonagiri


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