Best Of 2020

 Best of 2020

Some people think that 2020 was not really a good year because of coronavirus, part of me agrees, but we need to be positive about everything. I think 2020 was a good year because of online classes, when I used to go to school offline, I had to wake up early, but because of online classes, I don't have to wake up so early. That's what I like about doing classes online. So if the year 2020 had not happened, we wouldn't even have some experience with wearing a mask outside. Sometimes when I pass the road, I see many people who are not wearing a mask in 2020. I don't know why. But in 2020 I even had a dentist appointment. It's a good thing it happened because my tooth was painting a lot. They gave me an injection, I know it would have been scary but the injection didn't pain a lot. Before the appointment, many people told me it wouldn't pain. I didn't believe them, but now I know.

By- Kaavvya wadekar

Grade -4


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