Colors Are Everywhere

Author: Tanishk Parab

Hello readers! Come to my blog that has a suitable topic, by suitable name in suitable to the festival of Holi. So before jumping in to it I just want to say that in this topic I will be sharing my favorite color what I think about colors and what colors are harmful and harmless to humans. So let’s start zoom in

so first let’s start with my favorite color. Now it will be hard for me to decide what is my actual favorite color because when I was little my favorite color was white and now it is red so I will be talking about both of the colors. Let’s start with white, White is a simple color and when I was little I used to get a paintbrush and white color and put it all around my room. It was of no use because my floor and walls were at that time white so it was barely even noticeable. Now my favorite color is red, when I was six I only used to put on a red T-shirt and while sleeping a red blanket, of course, I have come out of that now, but it is so much fun looking back. Without colors I don’t know how the world would look because everything around us is full of colors, so without colors, I think the world would not exist because black and white are also colors, grey is also a color. So if all of these colors vanish then there will be nothing to show. Now, as the festival of Holi is near I was thinking about the harmful color that is used. Some colors used during this festival are oil-based. These oil colors are hard to get off the skin second, they can also give us diseases if it enters our mouth ears or nose. Instead, we can use harmless color or organic color. I hope you like this blog and if you want to read more you can check out my previous blog but until next time bye.


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