Rohan Catches A Thief (Bravery Story)

 Once there was a boy named Rohan. He was a very intelligent student in his class. He was fond of learning new things. His favorite subject was Science. He always wants to invent new gadgets for different uses. His teacher always encouraged him to read Science. She helped Rohan in his projects.

One day a burglar stole away valuable items from Rohan‘s home. Rohan’s family now wanted to be careful with burglars. There were too many burglaries taking place in the colony where Rohan lived. Everyone was worried about the theft taking place in the colony. Even the guards were not aware when the thief came and stole away the valuable things. Suddenly an idea came into Rohan’s mind he told his science teacher that he wanted to make a burglar’s alarm. With the help of his teacher, Rohan was successful in making burglar’s alarm. The next time when the thief came, the alarm produced a loud siren. Everyone woke up and the thief was caught.

Everyone praised Rohan for his intelligent act. Like this Rohan saved his colony from theft.

Thank you

By-Shivansh Kumar



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