Pledge To Save Food Today !

 Author : Srividyanjali Prava

Wastage of food, a controversial topic indeed and yes we need to discuss it often. We are blessed to be able to eat fancy and tasty food, we complain cause mom has made something you don't like, we keep the food packed in our tiffin as it is! Do you all think this is good! Not! Nowadays if 50% of people are dying due to covid-19, 20% of people are dying due to hunger! I know you might be thinking, just 20% right, it's very less, if you are thinking so you are wrong! only 2% of India's population Consists of 1 crore people than imagine how many people are dying due to hunger every year!

I have written a poem about how the food feels when we waste it and it goes like this


We lay on your plate all-day

Drying up and with bugs and flies it makes it worse

We lay on the plate waiting to fulfil one's hunger

But little do we know that at the end of the day we all end up at one place

Your garbage bin!

Do you know that it's a sin!

People all around die without us

We deserve respect for you can not live without us!

Learn about your mistakes today for love and food are meant for sharing and not wasting!

That was my poem, hope you liked it, I'm sure you must've understood my motto, yes, it is about food wastage!

Well, I have told you what the problem is now let me give you the solution!

Do you all want to join me to fulfil people's hunger, if yes then follow these simple steps!

#when you go to a restaurant and order more than you need and can't finish it at the end? here's what you can do, ask the waiter to pack the food and on your way back if you find any poor and needy, give it to them if you do not find any needy people you can store the food in your fridge and eat it the next day!

# Make the best use of every little bit! If

there are any leftovers bury them under the soil but make sure you don't bury food that has salt and oil content, and in a few days, you will have your manure!

# Only eat how much ever you can tell whoever's cooking that day how much you can eat so that he or she will only cook that much so that there are no leftovers e.g. if my mom's making dosa, I will tell her that I can only have two so that she'll only make two for me, if you follow this simple step you will have fewer leftovers

# Grow your herb garden. If you grow your herb garden with the seeds that all of us find in our kitchen, we don't have to make frequent visits to the market, we can simply take whatever we want from our garden. If you practice this you won't store things for too long in your fridge, thus preventing the rotting of veggies and fruits.

Prevent forgetting things that you have stored in your fridge. Whenever you buy the groceries, list them down on paper and their expiry date and stick them to your fridge and finish things that'll expire soon first. By doing this you won't forget things that you have put in the fridge and find them when they have already expired!

# Before buying groceries check with the things that you already have in the house so that you prevent excess buying of groceries

If you and your family practice these simple steps you can make a great change. Keep donating food to people in need and always thank and be grateful for the person who has grown the raw materials and to the person who is cooking it for you. Thanks a lot for reading my blog, hope you found this interesting and useful. Always remember that food and love are meant for sharing and not wasting!


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