The Biggest Curse Of The Planet

 Hello Readers! I am here with an amazing blog for you all. Today, we are going to discuss an extremely severe issue. I am speaking about plastic. Plastic is a very huge curse for the world. They have advantages and disadvantages as well. For earning information about plastic, read my blog till the end. Let's go.

Plastic is a thing that can kill many creatures. They have many advantages but the disadvantages are also there, plastic can kill many creatures and it also leads to many other difficulties as well. We will be discussing the disadvantages of it and that are as followed -

Plastic is non-degradable and it fills many areas on earth.
It chokes many water bodies, sewer systems, and more.
Many animals and birds perish because of plastic as they deplete plastic as a diet.
Plastic is widely utilized in packing food items that can steer to cancer.
It results in many enormous fire cases.
When plastic is thawed for molding or when it is burned, it discharges many lethal gases at that time.
There are many more disadvantages like this.

Now, I will be telling you how you can reduce the use of plastic and the alternatives for them. You can reduce the use of plastic and in the following ways -

Avoid plastic microbeads in personal care commodities - Many companies are trying to make products without plastic microbeads and you can pay for that.
Do not buy water in plastic bottles - We should keep water in steel containers.
We should not pack things in plastic - We should pack stuff in paper.
We should recycle things prepared with plastic - We can make decorative items from the used plastics.
We should not launch balloons at parties - We can decorate the party room with paper ribbons and all.
We should not use plastic bags - We can use paper bags or cloth bags.

There are a lot more ways in which we can reduce plastics and it is necessary to do so. It is a very big curse for us and our future. You all should spread awareness to reduce the use of plastic and the life of the whole world is in our own hands. We are the only ones who can save the mother earth from such a big issue.

Thank you.

By- Rishabh Khandelwal

Grade 8


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