Child Labour – Soft Hands With Many Scars



Child labor means the exploitation of children through any form of work below 18 years of age. Children are forced to work because their families are very poor that they need their earnings to run the family. These children work at tea stalls, factories, servants, and a lot of other places.

We might have all come across these children more commonly at the signals. One such incident I have faced too.

One day while on my way along with my family I came across a boy selling buns at the signal. He was repeatedly pleading with us to buy some buns and with much force, my dad bought some and he said to us that it was his birthday and he was forcing us to purchase.

Not all children are as lucky as us. Our parents work and earn for us to give us a good education, good food, and good clothing and so we should be thankful for them.

I have an idea that the government should pay poor parents for sending their children to schools. Then one day our country will be free of child labor. I pray to God that my dream should come true.

Please follow me for more readings.

By - Nidarsana Yadav


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