My Idea Of A Fun Weekend

 Author : Rishabh Khandelwal

Hello Everyone! Hope you all are nice and superb. I am back again with a mesmerizing blog for you all. I am pretty confident that you will enjoy my blog. Are you the kind of individual, who eagerly wait for the weekends every week? I think yes and I similarly wait for weekends every week. The weekend is a duration where we get ample time to do fun activities, the activities about our passion, etc. I love this period a lot but what about your plans for each weekend? Many of us make plans before the weekends for this interval. So, today I will be telling you about some of my common plans for weekends. Let's go and dive into the world of blogging.

I forever like to spend my time exploring some themes through the wizard of the internet. I always like to invest time in understanding something from YouTube, Google, etc. Many of us might believe that this is an entire waste of time but they are untrue because exploring enhances our thinking capabilities, maturity, imagination, creativity, writing skills, spoken skills, etc. On YouTube, I pay my time equally as a consumer and as well as a creator. I also have a YouTube channel and that allows me to explore myself and my mind.

I also love to spend a bit of time on my weekends with my family and we go on a ride. This comes to be a very extraordinary juncture for us and we celebrate it a lot. If we talk about my passion then it is to become a cricketer for my nation and I also spend a lot of time on weekends on cricket. I play cricket with my pals and I try to improve my abilities and fitness during that time.

I also spend some of my time thinking about business because I also have a goal to set up my own business. I love to sing & draw and I also expend some time on this because it helps to calm down my mind.

The time I have left with me, I complete my assignment and I study at that time. I also spend some time on my school works which are given by my teachers or school.

All of these activities pack up my time on weekends and I love to enjoy my weekend every time.

I hope you liked reading my blog and will meet you in my next blog. Until then bye and happy weekends.

(* Note - Enjoy each and every moment of your life because nobody knows, what is our lifespan. *)

By - Rishabh Khandelwal


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