My Idea Of A Fun Weekend!

 Hello everyone! Online classes are there at all times of the day except for the weekends. Many people would be either sitting again on playing games on their phones. But, is playing games really a productive thing to do at the weekend. And does it improve your skill in any way? So, today I am going to tell you about some activities which are productive and fun to do.

1 . Pursue your passion- Yes, many people have their own passions and hobbies but we do not do them regularly and see how much relaxed and energetic you feel!

  1. DIYs and origamis- Folding paper and making things out of it may seem boring. But, have you ever tried it? If not, then do give it a shot! Making imaginary constructions out of paper will bring you satisfaction and the love to do it more!
  2. Call out your friends and relatives- In this period meeting your friends and family physically is not advisable and many people lost their connections towards their friends and family. But, is meeting them virtually impossible? No, right? So, call out your buddies who you have lost connect with and speak to them. Ask them how they are and you will feel good!
  3. Clean your room- When was the last time you dusted your room? Probably two weeks or a month ago right? When you get your free time, clean and sweep your room and arrange everything in its order. Seeing your room in a clean state keeps your mind clean too!

So, that is it for this blog, and I will meet you in my next one!

By - Sanjay Anand


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