Rights That Kids Of My Grade Should Have ...

 Author: Ronil Dhasal

Hello everyone!! I am Ronil, I love to share some of my amazing experiences, incredible facts, some of my feelings in the form of blogs…

Well, the generation of which I am part of commonly known as Gen-Z is one of the most privileged, Why?
Because our generation has many platforms to perform, to learn, to know about the current affairs and most importantly the social media, unlike the previous generation where they only had books to learn from, school stages to perform on and newspapers and radios to know the current affairs.

But the sad part about this is only a few children & teens have this privilege. We live in a world of Rich & poor, Blacks & Whites, Lowe caste and Upper caste
And because of this the 100-year-old discrimination still continues and many have been a victim of it because of which those children and teen are restricted to get a proper education. So what I want is that there should be a Right to Education for each and every child and teenager living in this nation and world.

Well in the previous paragraph I mentioned that my generation the Gen-Z is one of the most privileged ones but let me tell you not in every aspect.
So which is that aspect in which my generation does not have a privilege?
Well, that is living a proper life, yes you heard it right living a proper life. The previous generation's people who are now the ministers, businessmen, and whatnot, I must say most of them have destroyed my and my fellow teens and children's future. Cutting trees, polluting rivers, polluting air and etc. Even after the Australian, Amazon, and California's wildfire still, all this is happening. Climate change is a serious issue, it's more important than covid, it should be more focused on. So I think if that at least teens who are 16+ should have eligibility to advocate for climate change. And also there should be a youth cabinet which can advise the prime minister as we are the future of the nation

So those were some of my thoughts on Rights which we should have….
Let me know even yours :-)
Till then… Bye and have a great day

By - Ronil Dhasal


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