If The Internet Stopped...

Author: Aditi Joshi

Hello, friends, I am back with another exciting blog, and it is called “If the internet stopped”. Some might think it would be great but others might not. Let me tell you what I think of honestly:

The internet has helped us in many ways such as being a source of knowledge, information, and learning. My favorite is using the online dictionary that quickly helps me in new words or meanings. My parents tell me that these days they use it more for banking, shopping, and paying bills.

Sometimes we get hooked to the internet and spend way too much time on it. Being continuously online – playing video games, watching Youtube and Netflix can be addictive and harmful for us to waste time and we can be distracted easily.

So, I was very curious to know about the time when the internet did not exist or was not this popular. When I researched a bit, you will be surprised by what I found! Not too long ago (in 1995) fewer than 1% of the world’s population was online. I checked with my grandparents who confirmed that in those days they had no internet at home.

So, should the internet suddenly stop, there would be both benefits and disadvantages. We would have to go back to the old times where we would have to depend more on newspapers and magazines as well as radio and television to receive news and information. It would definitely allow us to use our imagination more as well as spend more time outdoors – doing physical activities, games, or simply breathe more fresh air than today when we are sitting more indoors on our wifi devices.

I hope you enjoyed my blog thank you.

By - Aditi Joshi


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