My Favorite Book

 Author : Kaavya Paliwal

Hola dear friends! Today I have a great topic to talk about. Can you guess the topic? Yes, you heard it correctly. It is my favorite book.

My favorite book is Thea Stilton and the treasure of the sea. It's a great story. In this, some mice go on an adventure to the sea. Luckily they could breathe underwater also. They saw many different creatures but that's not what they came for. They had come to find the sea violin because if the creatures in the sea didn't hear the sea violin then their color will fade. The names of these mice are Thea, Paulina, Collet, Nicky, Violet, and Pamela. They are best friends. In this story, they also use words related to the mouse such as fabmouse, squeak, etc.

I have many books about these characters. In each book, they go on many different adventures. Till now my favorite is this one. So I think that's enough for this blog. In my coming blogs, I will tell you about the other books of Thea Stilton.
Thank you for reading my blog!

By - Kaavya Paliwal


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