Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little boy named Suresh. Suresh was the only child, and he lived with his parents in a small hut as they were poor. His father used to work in a mill. One day Suresh's father lost his job, and they found it very difficult to survive.

Suresh thought of going into the forest and pick up some dry woods and sell them in the market, and the money would be enough for a meal. Suresh went into the forest in search of the wood. After he picked up a bundle of dry wood, he lost his way back home. He was about to cry, and all of a sudden heard a voice. He looked around but did not find anyone. He got scared. Finally, he knew that a big tall tree was talking to him. The tree asked him, “Why are you crying”. The boy told him everything. The tree replied that he would help him. The tree asked Suresh to dig the ground beside his root. Suresh started to dig. A little deep he found a bag of clothes, threads, and a needle to sew them. Suresh thanked the tree and took the clothes, threads, and a needle back home.

Suresh gave these things to his mother. Suresh's mother was happy that she would get some money by stitching the clothes and selling them. Suresh's mother sat all night and stitched the clothes. The next day morning, Suresh's mother was surprised to see the clothes glittering like gold. People from faraway places came to buy the clothes from her. They sold all the clothes and earned a lot of money, but Suresh's family believed in hard work, and they bought more clothes with the money and earned a lot of money but yet lived a simple life.

The moral of the story is to believe in yourself, work hard, and never be greedy.

By - Nidarsana Yadav


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