A Day Without Internet

 Hi everyone my name is Aryan Rajiv and today I will be telling you guys about how a day would go without the INTERNET so why not begin.

Listen everyone would go mad and I mean mad It would be like hell without the internet everyone knows that I'm pretty sure right? Okay but I want to dig deep and I mean deep if we didn't have internet people wouldn't have jobs most people at least because in today's time the world would collapse without internet since most people's jobs are internet based or network based it would make life much harder not just jobs, you know how your grandmother make delicious things for you to eat she has probably learnt it from huge social media sites such as YouTube or Google and you guessed it they all run on the internet and during COVID 19 we won't be able to have fun in online classes we wouldn't be able to play exciting games and let me tell you I personally have gone insane without internet at my grandmother's house as her network wasn't the best it liked annoying me a lot it never went during class but whenever I started playing I would go out every five minutes or so it was Hella annoying But you know how I made it through you are probably wondering "huh? it not that hard you don't need to go insane "my friend I play I lot of video game and when network goes out oh do I go insane so my las resort was to play offline game you guys were wondering that I would say you should go play outside nope listen today was a fun day but I got to go so this is for today see you next week!

Author : Aryan Rajiv Veeramana

Grade 6


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