My Dream City

 As an infant and a tween, I have always wanted to have my own city- a city that ran under me. I have had many dreams of having cities on the clouds, in space, and underwater as an infant and now I finally can put it into words now, through this blog. What are you waiting for, come on let's dive into my dream city

A city needs to have a name, otherwise, what would you call it? I would name my city Aquarius. The reason to have this name particularly is that aqua means water and I wish to have a city under the water! Underwater because many people think that seas, oceans, and other water bodies are just deep, cold, and frightening and I want them to look at the water bodies with a new perspective, they don't know that there's a completely new world underwater! I want to develop awareness about life underwater and how breath-taking it can be, how it's a portal to an amazing world.
I would want my city to be under the rainbow reef, the reason being is I absolutely love how alluring its beauty is, it is like a rainbow underwater! Here's my action plan for building the city :
• I would build a huge dome made up of borosilicate glass that I will place underwater
• I will then pump out the water inside of the dome
• I will soon start constructing structures for human and animal needs like homes, hospitals, entertainment hubs, police stations, etc
• Once that is done I will soon give out the homes for occupation
This is what a "city" needs to have but I will truly make it " my city" by :
• Ensuring that there is harmony everywhere, not only harmony with our kind( homosapiens) but with animals as well.
• I will make sure that I put up enough aquatic life reserves because we are in their homes after all so we must help them.
• I will mandatorily keep 20% of the city's occupancy to be marine engineers and biologists so that we can get help in time of need
• I will make sure that everyone feels welcome into Aquarius
That is my dream city, filled with wonders and impossible things made possible, if you were given a chance to have your own city, what would it be like? If we really had a city like aquariums, it would be revolutionary! What do you think?

By- Srividhyanjali

Grade 7


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