My Second Favorite Cartoon Character.

 My second favorite cartoon character

My second favorite cartoon character is princess Luna. Princess Luna is Princess Celestia's little sister. I have already written a blog about her right? Well, you can check in the blog section. So princess luna rises up the moon. Princess Luna is an alicorn like Princess Celestia. She has wings and a unicorn horn. She is known as the moon princess. Well, she even has an evil form! Spooky! Her evil form is known as the nightmare moon! I know! That is a spooky name!that's nightmare moon! She even looks spooky. Princess Celestia tried to defeat the nightmare moon and get princess luna back. But she couldn't. Because Nightmare moon was very powerful. Well in the end princess Celestia did defeat nightmare moon. But her sister came back after a few years. Well that was a happy ending, right? What do you think? Do you like nightmare moon or luna? I like luna better!
Thank you!

By-Kaavvya wadekar



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