My Unusual Insect..........

 There is a very funny insect that you like to spy. And it isn't quite a spider, and it isn't quite a fly.

It is something like a butterfly and more like a bee, But not like a warm that climbs up a tree.

Its name is not quite easy but not quite hard, but I know that you will learn it soon.

So tro:



It lives on underground trees. And has a happy face; Its appetite is hearty, and its manners a disgrace. When first you come upon it, it will give you quite a scare, But when you look for it again it will still be there. And unless you call it softly it will stay away and mope

So tro:



It trembles if you tickle it or tread upon its toes; it is not an early riser, but it has a long nose. If you sneer at it or scold it, it will scuttle off in shame, But it purrs and purr quite proudly if you call it by its name, And offer it some sandwiches of sealing-wax and soap.

So tro



But of course, you haven’t seen it; and I truthfully confess

That I haven’t seen it either, and I don’t know its address. For there is no such insect, though there really might have been If there were underground trees. It’s just a jest of mine, which I hope you will forgive me.

Oh, tro!



By- Bonagiri Enoch Suraj

Grade - 5


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