New Dawn In The U.S.A

 Hello everyone!! I am Ronil, I love to share some of my amazing experiences, incredible facts, reviews, some of my feelings in the form of blogs...

The other day I was thinking isn't it amazing the number of power, people can have in a democracy. One shall never forget that in a democracy the truth always prevails...
It was just yesterday, that the world's strongest democracy the U.S was headed by a fascist, racist and sexist politician Donald Trump. But as I said, people knew that they deserved better. In November 2020, the people of the U.S elected Joe Biden & Kamala Harris as their President and Vice President respectively.
Later Donald Trump tried to stop the count and said that the election was a fraud without any evidence. After not getting a positive response Trump incited a MAGA mob because of which the 2021 Capitol riots occurred, which resulted in 5 deaths. Now all the Americans realized the America Trump had created, the sea of lies and false promises he made. The U.S congress now decided to impeach Trump for the 2nd time, by making a statement that he was unfit for the office of POTUS.
Now, it was 20th January the Sun was shining proudly bright, the U.S was covered in the snow of Joy. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris took the oath for the office of President & Vice President of the United States on Inauguration day. It was also a proud day for all the women and the Balck & Indian-American communities of the U.S as Kamala Harris was the first woman of color. Because of COVID, people were restricted to celebrate this glorious day with millions of others as they used to every year. On the very first day in the office, Joe Biden lifted the travel ban from Muslim countries, rejoined the Paris agreement, and promised an economic relief.

Leaders across the world congratulated the new POTUS & Vice President on their historic WIN!!!

By- Ronil

Grade 7


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