The 7 Wonders Of The World!


1)Mount Everest

Mount Everest is renowned because the highest spot on earth, at 8,848 meters above water level. it's parked right on the border between Nepal and Chinese-owned Tibet, and it's protected by Sagarmatha park within the Himalayas.

2)Rio de Janeiro

Located in Brazil, the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro is surrounded by granite mountains that were formed by erosion from the Atlantic. it's also known as Guanabara Bay and it has the white stone statue of Christ, which Is a famous image atop Corcovado Mountain, facing the ocean together with his arms outstretched.

3)Great Barrier Reef
It’s the house of Nemo, and it’s right on our doorstep. it has one big, long, connected coral reef. it's made from 2,900 individual reefs constructed by millions and billions of minuscule coral polyps, which are living organisms.

4)Victoriya Falls
As the Zambezi crosses the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, it has an amazing waterfall that's 1.7km wide. The falls also are called Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning “Smoke that Thunders” within the Kalolo-Lozi tribe’s dialect.

5)Paricutin cone-shaped volcano
Paricutin is a very beautiful cinder cone volcano in the city of Michoacan, Mexico. it is chosen together with the Seven Natural Wonders because it's the only volcano formed during 1943

6)Grand Canyon
it is famous for kayaking in the USA. The Seven Natural Wonders organization says a helicopter tour is that the best thanks to appreciating how vast the canyon really is.

7)Northern Lights
Also referred to as polar auroras or the aurora borealis(Nothern Lights), these naturally-occurring lights intrigue everyone who sees them appear as glowing lights of vivid color along the horizon or waves across the sky. This effect is caused by charged cosmic particles showing different colored lights as they enter Earth’s atmosphere.

By- Jagjyot Singh

Grade 8


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