Timeline ( My Journey Planned To Kolkata)

 Hello! Friends today I am going to write a blog on an amazing topic “Timeline”. My timeline is based on my plans to visit Kolkata. I had a marvelous time last winter break.

We started our journey to Kolkata on 25th December 2020. On one hand, we were afraid of going out due to Coronavirus but on the other hand, we were excited to visit Kolkata as I was going out after one year to visit my relative, especially my big brother. I was very happy and eagerly waiting to meet him. When we reached my aunt and uncle had come to receive us at the airport. I was surprised to see my grandparents over there. Having them over there doubled my excitement. I have planned many things in my mind and was waiting for the right time. The next day I and my brother started our day with the morning walk. My brother took football along with him so that we can play in the park. In the afternoon we visited Science City. I was very happy and excited. We came back in the evening had our dinner and slept together. Though it was not safe outside due to Corona Virus, we wore masks, gloves, and head shields and visited many places in Kolkata. Wearing all these things and going everywhere made me feel as if I am going on an adventurous trip. It was really a wonderful experience. The next day we went to Park Street another exciting place one should never miss. The place was fully decorated all over with lights due to Christmas and New Year. It was the center of attraction for local people as well as tourists. On the 1st of January, we had a party at home where we cut a cake and celebrated the New Year. I also got gifts from my uncle.

Well now the time had come when I have to say goodbye to my relatives and come back to Mumbai but I can never forget the moments which I spent with my brother. Hope you would enjoy reading my blog.

Thank You.

By- Shivansh Kumar

Grade 4


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