A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

 Do you all agree? All your friends are not your true friends, some of them are just a showpiece in our showcase, even I have so many friends but TIME and SITUATION taught me who is the REAL or TRUE friend The phrase of ‘True friend ’, explains what qualities should be ordained by a true friend. Only a friend, who is all willing to help you in need, qualifies to be called a true friend.

Qualities of a True Friend

Below given are some of the qualities of a true friend, based on which you can decide, whether a person is your true friend or not. Remember that only a friend with all the listed qualities will prove to be your true friend; justifying the said phrase

  • True to the Core

Another quality of a true friend is that he/she is always true to you. He/she will never lie to you and also will never keep you in dark about anything. Though, it might be unpleasing to hear the truth sometimes; nevertheless, a true friend will present only the truth to you.

  • Eager to Help

This is by far the most important characteristic of a true friend. He/she is always ready to help you, even in the worst of situations. Whether in sickness or something else, a true friend always stays at your side and extends any kind of help that you might need. Even if he/she is unable to extend monetary help, they will be great emotional help at least.

  • An Honest Advisor

A true friend is a very honest advisor. He is a cut the crap type of advisor who will put it straight on your face. The reason why he/she does it is that they want you to progress and not have any false hopes. His/her only want is to keep you out of harm’s way and safe.


It is a blessing to have a true friend who is always by your side in need. You should never let such a friend go away. But also remember that true friendship is a two-way relationship and you also need to be exactly the same as your friend, at least from the relationship’s perspective.
Thank you for reading my blog

By- Alston Fernandes



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