A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

 Good friends care for you, Close friends understand you, but only True friends help and trust you…

Hello everyone! Today’s blog is about my experience when I came to know in a situation who is my true friend. Read on more!!!
When I was in grade 4, I had a good and close friend. It was a girl. She was taller than me but didn’t joke with me that I’m shorter than her. We had fun together, shared food during the break, and also helped each other with homework. This went on for a few months until we finished the last exam of grade 4. It means we were going to finish grade 4 and after vacation, grade 5! I was the topmost excited and felt as though on cloud nine. I can’t believe it!!!
But something happened that made me droop… It was the Coronavirus Lockdown. Because of that, I was not able to meet my friends, enjoy playing in school, and also studying!!! Truly I missed that too! But still, I and my close friend had fun in online meetings, video calls, WhatsApp chatting, and I thought she was my best friend as she was kind and caring too. But suddenly a girl joined the school. She was similar to me, and soon we became friends! We helped each other a lot and had fun at the same time! But I thought my close friend was my true friend and I was in touch with my close friend, more than the touch with the new girl. But soon things changed… I was not able to have fun and study a lot more because of the incoming exams. I was studying and studying and studying….Until I stopped dead in my tracks. I didn’t have an important book needed for one of the exams, which was the nearest! I didn’t know what to do, so I searched my entire home until I didn’t find it. It wasn’t about that book but a few pages’ info. Only one day left, so I asked my close friend to send the pics of the pages. But after reading my message she didn’t do anything. I was shocked because these many days I helped her, but in return, she didn’t do anything at my last minute! Without any choice, I asked my friend who was the new girl and thought she would also not send, but she… Did! I realized who my true friend is… I thanked her and studied the pages she sent. Then in my exam, I passed!!!
So you see, good and close friends understand and care for you, but when you are in a difficult situation, only true friends help you…
Thank you!!

By- Kavinaya Anand



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