A Friend That Everyone Deserves

 “True friends are the ones who will not make your problems disappear. They are the ones who won’t disappear when you’re facing problems.”

My today’s topic is related to TRUE FRIENDS. We all have many FRIENDS but few TRUE FRIENDS and there’s a huge difference in them. This topic reminds me of an incident that I faced. So are you ready to hear it all? Well, it’s a bit like a story so grab a glass of juice and relax on the comfiest chair and of course, just keep reading.

It all started when I had newly shifted to my current residence. After few weeks I started going to the garden, but I only used to cycle as I didn’t have any friends and also I was too shy to ask a person to play with me. One day when I was cycling, 2 girls named Abhishri and Shrija came to me and asked if I wanted to play with them. I agreed happily, I played with them every day and looked forward to meeting them. After many weeks, I heard that Abhishri had to shift. I bid goodbye to her, but after she went Shrija started showing her true colors. She wouldn’t include me in the games; she used to play with her other friends and most of the time she would say ‘There’s no more place for more people’. Shrija and her friends were all Maharashtrians and only used to speak Marathi. I never had a problem with them speaking in Marathi but they never used to understand my problem. Well, I am not a Maharashtrian so I had no idea how to speak and understand Marathi. I was very sad, so my mother told me ‘don’t worry, if they are not playing with you it’s their loss, not ours and you will surely find a new friend.’ Hearing this I felt a bit better, after few days I stopped bothering and playing on my own. During those days I made a new friend Ananya. She is very kind and very helpful too. Surprisingly my neighbor Samar also started coming with me to the garden. He plays with me happily and is also very funny and helpful. He is a TRUE FRIEND of mine. Recently I made a new friend her name is Myra. She seems to be kind, but still can’t be too sure. This incident taught me a lot.

So dear fellows, always remember that a TRUE FRIEND will never ask for a change in you. He/she will accept you the way you are.

That’s the end of this blog coming close! So see you in my next blog, till then #Stay Safe.

By- Kaavya Paliwal

Grade- 5


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