How I Learnt There Is No Gain Without Pain.

Author : Rishabh Khandelwal

Hello Everyone! I am back again with a wonderful blog filled with ample knowledge. Do you think that anyone can become anything despite any practice or struggle? The answer from my point of view would be negative. As we all know that, practice and hard work is the key to success, so we can only get the output of any activity when we put our hard work into it. In this blog, I will be telling you how I learned that there is no gain without pain. Let's go and dive inside the world of hard work and passion.

I will be giving you two examples of my life where I learn that there is no gain without pain.

Example 1

One day, I was in my cricket academy and the next day I was going to play a cricket match. I didn't practice at all that day so, I couldn't bowl well in that match. I was very angry at myself for not practicing and was very sad. That day, I understood that I need to practice a lot to gain something.

Example 2

When I was practicing in my cricket academy for my next day's match, my leg was hurting a lot after the practice of the day. I was very excited about the match also but I was thinking that I would be able to play the match or not. I made a final decision that I will play the match. The very next day, I went to play the match and my performance was very excellent and then I understood that my practice paid me fully.

So, I think that without practice and Hard Work, no one can achieve something. It's mandatory to put your whole potential into something and give your best to that thing. I hope you liked my blog and will meet you next time in my next blog. Until then bye and keep practicing.


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