If You Could Have Lunch With A Celebrity, Who Would It Be And Why?

 Wow-what a Wonder-full topic it is. It’s a great day for me to have lunch with a celebrity. I choose the legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar.

Firstly, I would like to google about Sachin Tendulkar for his food habits and interest. As I know he is more interested in cricket. I would like to make a list of questions about his childhood, his initial stages of his carrier, His best experience with cricket. What is his experience when he got successful? What difficulty he felt in cricket.How he felt when his team won the cricket match. Who he motivated himself and the team when they lose the match. Oh, what diet he follows to be fit and what exercise he did.

Oh! There are so many questions running in mind.

Finally, the day has come to have lunch with Sachin Tendulkar. I dressed up nicely with a coat, combed neatly, and with shiny shoes. The lunch table is filled up with all his favorite dishes of Sachin Tendulkar.

Never the last we enjoyed the food and the discussions. His time and answers were valuable.

Lastly, he was very happy for the highest award Padmavibhushan given by Groment Indian. It's an unforgettable and memorable day of my life.

Thank you

By- Enoch Suraj Bonagiri



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