Life In The City

 Author: Stavan Utekar


Today I am writing about Life in a city.

Life in the city is full of competitions.

The schools, education system, etc, are well developed in cities than the villages.

There are a lot of facilities available in the schools of cities, starting from lab to art and sports.

But in the city, there occurs a lot of pollution.

It is because many industries and many different types of vehicles run in the cities.

These releases very harmful or toxic gases which are very harmful to the health of humans.

Big cities provide lots of opportunities for jobs, works, and better education.

There are also better healthcare facilities in cities.

In another way, Life in the city is artificial. Man is completely seperated from nature.

Peoples in the city is always in a hurry. They work like a slave according to the fixed routine.

Thus, city life has both advantages as well as disadvantages too.

Thank You


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