My Favorite Movie

 Hello I am back with a new blog topic

'My favorite movie'. As we all have seen many movies one or another movie will be favorite of us, for example, I like the movie Nobita and treasure of Bauvanko. The movie was an adventure. Let me tell you the full movie.

Nobita and Doremon friend-GAIN,SUENO, and SUJUKA.

It was summer vacation time it was the last day of school and Nobita was going from school to home and in the playground and he saw a hungry dog he gave the dog food and Nobita was going home and the dog followed him to his home. He reached the home and saw the same dog in the home. Nobita's mom lost her bag so the dog helped his mom to find the bag and he founded also so Nobita's mom allowed the dog to live in the home and Nobita named him Peko. Nobita's friend� Gian said ''let's go on adventure Nobita and Doraemon your work is to find where to go and Doremon took out his gadget and they started to find but when they went for lunch Peko started finding and he found. The next morning they all came to the same ground and Doremon took out anywhere door and they started the journey but Gain didn't feel adventuress they all came back. At night when Gain was sleeping he saw a big statue telling ''you only said to on adventure and you only said take this map and according to the map you will find the big treasure'' and next morning they went on the same adventure. They were on the boat suddenly the boat crash with a huge rock and the boat started to drown but they got rescued by a tribe but they wanted to eat them so they all rushed from there. The next morning they fought with lion's and won by the same statue and at last, they reached a cave there was a volcano eruption but they all thought it is a ghost but Sueno saw and told ''it is a volcano eruption '' Peko walked on two legs and clapped everyone was shocked to see Peko walking on two feet. Peko told how he reached Nobita's house and also he is the prince of the dog world and that statue was coming out of the pendant. They all reacted to Peko's home. Peko said ''an evil dog took all happiness. They all reached his friend's house Peko fought with the enemy arm

By-Darsh Kalal



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