My inspiration

 My inspiration

Do you know someone who told me that “If you want to shine like a sun you need to burn like a sun”? This means that success is not all about studying hard but also it is about burning like a sun means be out of your comfort zone and struggle hard. The person who said to me is my inspiration. He is my father. Want to know more let's read the next paragraph
Yes. My father was my inspiration since the day I was born. When I was small, for father I thought that there is nothing Impossible for him. That was the definition for him. He taught me to see dreams, bigger ones, and also taught me to make them real. Growing up, my father taught me many valuable lessons, specifically: to be kind to everyone and to never give up. These simple but important lessons have changed my life in its entirety. My dad is the kindest man that I have ever met. He never talks bad about others, always helps other people, and always tries to do the right thing no matter what the cost to himself. He is kind, thoughtful, generous, and honest. I attribute much of who I am as a person to my dad and I thank him for his dedication to our family. My dad is the reason that I am who I am, the reason I am loud and not afraid to mess about now and again. He has been successful ever since he came from China, he is very talented in many ways, he is hardworking, and never gives up. My dad has encouraged me to always do my best, always study hard, and be the best person I can be. If my dad was not here, I think I would be a very different person than who I am today. My dad has also inspired me to one day become a great electrical engineer like him. He is the one who taught me to always practice discipline no matter what work I do. He is the one who taught me to always practice discipline no matter what work I do. Most importantly, he has a jovial nature and always makes my mother laugh with his silly antics even after marriage. I can proudly say that it is my father who has been my source of inspiration from day one.
Thank you for reading! Have hope and stay positive. Keep smiling. Go for what you want, and achieve your dreams.

By- Yogeshwar Chotlani

Grade- 6


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