Hey friends! I am Arya and today I am back with another exciting blog. So guys today I am gonna take you to another world. A place which I really really adore and it is much better than this type of busy and noisy world. That world is very peaceful and calm. But that world can sometimes be dangerous. As many tragedies can occur at any time but then, there is always a happily ever after. I hope you got a hint. If no, then let me tell you! So fasten your seatbelts everyone as we are gonna take an adventurous trip to the wonderland of books.

Yes, I may sound crazy and you must be thinking what's so special in books, but actually, there is. You see, many people think that books are just some boring bunch of papers combined into one. But to me, they are just more than that. Each book leads you to a new different world and each of this world is so unique and so different. There are so many types of books that you can choose like fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, comedy, thriller, romance, classics, history, and much more. There are so many great and inspiring authors also, as William Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Roald Dahl, Sudha Murty, Enid Blyton, etc. And once you enter the world of each book, I guarantee you it will really be hard to come out. In my opinion, books are m best friends, even when I feel lonely books are always by my side. Books also help in improving our grammar and literature skills. They help in reading, writing, and speaking. I mostly like books that lie in the category of fiction and fantasy, as they transfer me into their magical and exciting world that I really love. If you are bored and you have nothing to do, then you can read books or when you can't sleep at night, then also you can read books. These days you also have e-books and amazon Kindle so there is no problem with carrying books here and there. You can just find some books online and read them from any place in the world. Some that I recommend you should read are Famous Five by Enid Blyton, Harry Potter by J.K Rowling, Grandma's Bag Of Stories by Sudha Murty, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and many more. All these wonderful books and their great authors have really inspired me also. In the future even I want to be a writer like them.

So my friends I hope you understood the benefits of reading. So grab a book quickly and start enjoying the fun of reading. Keep calm & keep reading!

By- Arya Gupta

Grade 7


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