One Invention That Changed The World.

 Author: Anushka Chavan

Hello everyone!!

Welcome back to my blog.

My name is Anushka Chavan and today we are going to talk about one invention that changed the world.

So let's get started.

I think the invention that changed the world is the invention of the electric bulb because it lights up the world, we are having a light at night also and to study or do other works we need light, before this invention we were depended on Sun for light.

The electric bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in January 1879 at his laboratory in Menlo Park.

Thomas Alva Edison has built his first high resistance, Incandescent electric light which worked by passing electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass. The filament used for making was Tungsten.

Thomas Alva Edison was able to invent the electric bulb because of the invention of Electricity.

Are you wondering how was the invention of Electricity made? wait let me help you with that.

The invention of Electricity was made by Benjamin Franklin. He made the invention using a kite, a wire, and a metal key.

Benjamin franklin constructed a simple kite and then he attached a wire to the top of it to work as a lightning rod and he was flying the kite where lightning was there. The working of this experiment was when Franklin moved his finger near the key, because of negative and positive charges he felt a spark.

So friends I think the invention that changed the world is the Electric bulb which lights up the world, and please tell me which invention do you think changed the world.

I hope you liked the blog.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.

We will meet next week with another blog.



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