The Worst Day

 Author: Rishabh Ramasubramanian

Hey, bloggers and readers today I'm telling you a story where everything went wrong.

It started as a normal Saturday, I woke up at 7 am to go down and play with my friends. I came home at 10 am to get the news that we were going out shopping! I was furious and sad as I don't like shopping, and I couldn't play with my friends. I was planning to play with them but now I couldn't and had to tell them that I'm not coming to play. So I went to take bath at noon and came out all ready to go outside. I first went to a normal clothing store in Chembur. We probably stayed there for like an hour plus it was a closed store without the AC. So I was feeling a bit dizzy. Luckily we got out in time. Then we went to have food because we were hungry. So we had gone into a two-storeyed restaurant, one with fans and the other with AC. We were 5 people so there was no space for us down so we went upstairs to the AC room. I felt kind of relieved that we got the AC room. we finished eating at around 2 to 2:30 pm. our next stop was the Kurta store. We were there for like half an hour and came out. Our next stop was R city mall. We went inside so many clothing stores there I hated it. I got way too bored in there. That was the end of the shopping but it was around 4:30 pm by the time we finished. But the bad day was not over yet. At around six pm I went down for a volleyball tournament. before it started I was just playing with my friends using the volleyball. Then the ball went kind of far away so I went to grab it Then suddenly one of my friends tackled me for the ball and he kicked my leg so I fell and got a huge cut near my toe. Although I got cut on my leg I went home, washed it, and came down to play anyway. We lost the tournament and I felt guilty, cause I felt like I messed up.

That was my worst day, I hope at least you enjoyed it.


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