The Day I Got My First Medal

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Hello friends, my name is Moksh, and today I would like to share the journey of my first medal, yes you read it right my FIRST MEDAL πŸ₯‡.

This was not planned in fact nothing was planned. I was only 5 years old and trust me I was a very mischievous kid and I am still 🀣πŸ€ͺ. I could not sit in one place. One day my mom and dad took me to my doctor for vaccination πŸ’‰. As usual, I was running all over the clinic and could not sit in one place and that was the moment when my doctor told my parents that he is very active and has lots of energy and you should use his energy properly. I never thought my parents would take it very seriously πŸ˜…. They took my admission for Gymnastics. 🀸🏻

My classes started every day from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Bhandup. I was enjoying it, no one could have stopped me from jumping, from running and it was my favorite thing to do. I was the youngest kid at the Centre, everyone started loving me. After 2 months of regular practice, my coach Shankar sir called my dad and said, we have a state competition to be held in Jalgaon and he was willing to send my entry. My mom and dad were super excited and nervous at the same time as they were not sure if this was the right time or it is too early for me to participate.

Shankar sir said to let him participate and he will learn, so we all were excited and my entry was sent in the age group of under 8. The competition was on 10th Sep 2016 at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Stadium, Jalgaon. We reached there one day before the competition and the journey was fun. The reporting time was the next morning 8:00 am. My coach was very punctual and strict, we all with the team reached the stadium before time and started our warm-up and practice. The event started at 9:00 am and my performance was in the first group.

I was the youngest contestant, I was not aware of the competition's fear or any seriousness as it was my first attempt. I was simply enjoying everything. One by one all contestants started performing their sets, all of them were very good. My mom and dad were there to support me, they were boosting my confidence that I will do good and just relax don't think about the crowd, and just perform what sir has taught you and in turn, I would get a treat of chocolate and burger πŸ«πŸ«πŸ”πŸŸ.

Finally, the judges announced my name, the next contestant is Moksh Nikam from Mumbai Sub-urban. Shankar sir came near me, he holds my hand and took me to the stage. As I went on stage my entire team started cheering me "come on Moksh, come on Moksh" and I was very happy and excited to perform. As the judges gave me a signal I started my set and completed it, I could hear only claps and cheers from every corner.

After the scores were given, everyone realized that I was leading by points in my age group. After all performance, I was the winner. My parents were happy and I was busy with hugs and kisses πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜. On the second day, there was prize distribution, and again my name was announced: " And the GOLD MEDAL πŸ₯‡goes to Moksh Nikam from Mumbai -Sub-urban". Shankar sir came running near me, he took me on his shoulders and took me on stage to take the medal. That was my first ever medal and the story of my victory at the state level. I was selected for Nationals that was held in Delhi.

Till now I have participated in many state and national level competitions and have won many medals. The only difference is now I am more serious about my sports, I now understand the competition's fear and seriousness. I love sports and I always practice to win.

I hope you liked my blog, stay healthy and stay fit. "Khelega India tabhi toh Badega India "⚽πŸΈπŸ‘πŸ₯πŸ⚾πŸˆπŸ€πŸ›ΌπŸ₯‹πŸ€Ό‍♂️πŸ‚⛷️🎿🚴🏻🏌🏻🀾🏻‍♂️🀺⛹🏻‍♂️

Thank You.

By-Moksh Nikam



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