Earth Day

 Author: Om Salvi

Hello guys! Om here to talk about a world-renowned event which is celebrated around the world, you might be thinking what’s the topic of this weeks blog. I will give you a hint. It is celebrated on 22 April every year.  Yes, it is Earth day. Today, I am going to tell you about what is earth day and, it's history, so let’s jump right into it guys.

Do you know why is earth day is celebrated? It is celebrated to protect our earth because only on earth we can find a proper environment to sustain life so to protect it earth so a senator from Wisconsin in the US organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues and because of that Rallies took place around the country and by 1990, Earth Day was an event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the globe. The importance of earth day is to spread awareness about global warming and to plant trees around the globe to protect our environment the first earth day was held on 22 April 1970 and we can protect our environment by planting trees, saving water, saving electricity, recycling plastic, do not use the shower, driving less there are a lot of things you and I can do to protect our environment by helping our environment we are indirectly you are helping yourself, your family and the next generation.

Bye guys! I hope that you liked this week's blog. We will meet again next week with another topic till then goodbye.


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