Electricity: A Boon For Us!

 Author : Rishabh Khandelwal

Hello Everyone! I am back again with an amazing blog which will help you learn about your surrounding. Do you like to play games on a laptop or mobile phone? Many of your returns would be positive. We all handle a lot of electronic items in our regular life throughout us every day. We see that in our home, in our surrounding such as parks, malls, etc. But as now we are at our home, we will be discussing the 5 electrical items which are common in our daily life. So, let's go and dive into the world of technology.

Electricity plays a very great role in our life. It has made many things easy for us and many inventions such as laptops, bulbs & much more can survive because of electricity. Now, we will be talking about the 5 most common electrical items in our homes, which are:-

1) Televisions- Television also known as T.V is a type of boon for entertainment. It's a type of screen where we can see various types of things such as T.V Shows, Movies, Live shows, and sports.

2) Laptop- It is a multi-functioning device on which you can play, stream, broadcast, or can do many things. My laptop is a boon for me as I need to do many things in a day like writing blogs, handling the school's social media account, working as a creator at YouTube, & more, and my laptop enables me to do this work efficiently and on time.

3) LED Lights- Light plays a great role in vision. If the light will not be there then no reflection will be there and seeing anything would be difficult.

4) Refrigerator- It is one of the most important things in the house as it helps in preserving vegetables, fruits, and even food.

5) Fans and Air Conditioners- We all know that living in summer without fans and all is very difficult. It is very hot during the afternoon time. Fans And Ac's work is to throw the air forcefully at the surrounding. Ac gives out cool air and fans give the air which is equivalent to room temperature.

I hope that you learned something from my blog. We will also meet next time. Until then bye and keep blogging.


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