My Best- Loved Cuisine!

 Author: Kavinaya Anand

Bonjour! All of us like some specific and tasty food. Around the world, It can be sweets, snacks, junk food, salads and more. And I have written precisely about that only in this blog! Read more about my favourite food, and in your next blog, write about yours if you desire!

I adore noodles. Yes, but not that precisely I can tell it’s junk food. There are many different varieties of noodles. Some noodles are made with vegetable masala, so it’s almost healthy. Some of my favourite noodles companies are Yippee and Pathanjali. First of all, I got introduced to noodles by my mother. She once made noodles when I was little, and I just attached them to my heart as my Best- Loved Cuisine. And so, twice a year, I enter the Yummy Zone to eat noodles, Yum! Thinking of that makes me hungry! Lastly, I just ate noodles last week after so long. My mother made it, and she added paneer and corn with some veggies. And what? I loved it!

And so, I end this blog with a tasty ending, and until my next one, goodbye friends!


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