Online Classes - A Great Exprience

 Author: Ishani Parab

Hello! I am back with another blog, and this is about Online Classes. We all have different opinions: some like them some, don’t. Well, I do like them.

They have their pros and cons like you have more time because you don’t have to go to the school building. All you have to do is, find a room with no interruptions so you can spend the time doing your hobby, learning something new, spending time with your friends and family and most importantly, spend some time and get to know yourself. But of course, there are cons too, like you will be spending more time on screen so you have come in contact with blue light, which can be harmful to your eyes (I mean after school, you spend some time on Youtube or playing video games don’t you??)

Now, you may ask me why do I like Online Classes? Well, maybe it's because I am not a people person and, in Online classes, you don’t have to interact with as many people as you have to in your physical classes, so it's just way more comfortable for me. But there are times where I prefer physical school, like when the teacher tells you to keep your camera on. I understand it is because the teachers want to know if the students are paying attention or not, but some students (or maybe just me??) feel a bit insecure. After all, somehow, the camera makes them look weirder than it is, so they constantly look at their cams to ensure that it does not look weirder, causing them to not pay attention to what the teacher is teaching.

So, that’s my opinion what’s yours? Bye-bye


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