
Do Super Heroes Exist?

 Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! I am back again with a very inspiring blog. Do you all believe that superheroes exist? Many of yours answer would be positive, and others would be negative. You all would be thinking that I am going to talk about the fictional world of superheroes, but it's not like that. In this blog, I am going to talk about my real superhero, my father. My father is the best because he always…Wait, if you want to know that why I love my father this much, read the blog till last. Let’s go and dive into the real world of superheroes. I love my father a lot, and the real reason is that he cares for me a lot. He always tries to give his 100% to his family and works hard to fulfil all our needs. He also takes care of our wants but only the necessary wants. He made the best decision possible for us every time. He is very selfless. I always want to be with him. This year we moved to Mumbai, and this was a big decision as we needed to invest some big amount o

Earth Day

 Author: Om Salvi Hello guys! Om here to talk about a world-renowned event which is celebrated around the world, you might be thinking what’s the topic of this weeks blog. I will give you a hint. It is celebrated on 22 April every year.  Yes, it is Earth day. Today, I am going to tell you about what is earth day and, it's history, so let’s jump right into it guys. Do you know why is earth day is celebrated? It is celebrated to protect our earth because only on earth we can find a proper environment to sustain life so to protect it earth so a senator from Wisconsin in the US organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues and because of that Rallies took place around the country and by 1990, Earth Day was an event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the globe. The importance of earth day is to spread awareness about global warming and to plant trees around the globe to protect our environment the first earth day was held on 22 April 1970 and

My Favourite Cartoon

 Author: Tanishk Parab Hello readers! Welcome back to my blog universe, and today I will make a new blog known’ as “My favourite cartoon “, so without wasting any time, let’s begin zoom in! My favourite cartoon is Sunny Bunnies. It is a cartoon about five little bunnies that appear when sunlight touches the surface of Earth. The names are “ Turbo, Hopper, Big Boo, Shiny and Iris. These five in every episode get in trouble but find a way out of it. They have only one enemy, unlike other shows, and his name is The Big Wolf. Yes, the same wolf from the three pigs has made an appearance in Sunny Bunnies. He is from space and crashes lands on Earth to eat the bunnies. He is very smart as he makes complicated appliances to catch the bunnies, but of course, his plan fail every time he tries. The bunnies have befriended many creatures like dragons, robots, and even alien - bunnies. I hope you enjoyed my blog of “My favourite cartoon” go check out my previous blogs but until next time bye-bye!

My Favourite Subject Is Math

 Author: Mehvish Khan Hello, my name is Mehvish khan, and today my topic is “my favourite subject Math”. I know you all have a question, that why math is my favourite subject, not other subjects. Math is my favourite subject because in math we have to solve sums like addition, fraction and many more. I like to solve it, and it is so much fun to do it, and one more question you are having that is we all are facing problem in solving math, and I will tell you the shortest method to solve math. When you solve math, pause, think properly and then answer. This was the first thing, and the second thing is to keep your mind fresh, happy and sharp, so your mind will work so you can answer quickly. So I think all the questions are clear, so friends, tell me how did you like my today’s blog so, if you like it, please give me a like and a heart, so we will meet in another blog and thank you very much for reading my blog and see you soon bye-bye.

Reading Books

 Author : SIYA RAJKIRAN BHOSLE Hi, my name Siya. I like to read books. My mom gave me points on reading books. She told me if I get a hundred points, she will buy me a small gift, and if 200, she’s going to buy me a bigger one. I have eight books on my bookshelf and two moral storybooks. Total I have ten books now. I am reading Thea Stilton and the dragon codebook. It is a very inspiring and interesting book. She has five students named Nikki, Collett, Violet, Paulina and Pamela. My favourite is Paulina. Paulina lives in Beirut, love travelling and meeting people from all over the world. She is also very close to her sisters Mira. Her strength is, she loves helping other rodents, and her weakness is she shy and can be a bit clumsy. Her secret is, she is a computer genius. Her favourite colour is orange, and her nickname is Polly. Her secret ambition is to be a scientist. I have told you all about Paulina, so maybe I can tell you about Violet too. Violet lives in China. Her secret ambit


 Author: Anushka Chavan Hello everyone. Welcome back to my blog. My name is Anushka Chavan, and today we are going to talk about WORLD VETERINARY DAY. So, let's start reading the blog now! The World Veterinary Day, is annually celebrated on the last Saturday of April. This year (2021), it will fall on 24th April. The WVA and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) get up with a theme every year to create awareness on the importance of vets. Now, let's see what is the theme this year. The continuing COVID-19 pandemic is caused due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has changed life as we know it and significantly affected the global human and animal populations. Yet, through this challenging time, veterinary medicine is meaningfully and rapidly evolved, demonstrating veterinarian’s ability to cope, adjust, and adapt and to continue in their role as leaders of animal health and welfare and public health Let's now see what is the Award. The

3 Plants That Can Help Prevent Mosquitos!

  Hello friends, today I am Going to Tell you about Some Magical Plants which can Prevent Mosquitos, so let's Get Started with our Topic "3 Plants That Can Help Prevent Mosquitos! Author :  Shahdab Shaikh 1. Lavender Have you ever noticed that insects or even rabbits and other animals have never decimated your lavender plant? It is because of their lovely fragrance, which comes from its essential oil. This oil is found on the leaves of the plant. It is even argued, that lavender oil hinders a mosquitos ability to smell! This plant is very tough and drought-resistant once established. 2. Marigolds Marigolds, an easy-to-grow annual flower, emit a smell that deters mosquitoes. Grow them in pots and place them near your patio or entrance to your home to keep bugs out. 3.Basil In Indian homes Basil is common. Basil is another herb that can also double as a pest repellent. The pungent smell the basil leaves give off are what keep pests at bay. And since all kinds of basil work to ke