
Showing posts from November, 2020

Rights That Kids Of My Grade Should Have ...

  Author: Ronil Dhasal Hello everyone!! I am Ronil, I love to share some of my amazing experiences, incredible facts, some of my feelings in the form of blogs… Well, the generation of which I am part of commonly known as Gen-Z is one of the most privileged, Why? Because our generation has many platforms to perform, to learn, to know about the current affairs and most importantly the social media, unlike the previous generation where they only had books to learn from, school stages to perform on and newspapers and radios to know the current affairs. But the sad part about this is only a few children & teens have this privilege. We live in a world of Rich & poor, Blacks & Whites, Lowe caste and Upper caste And because of this the 100-year-old discrimination still continues and many have been a victim of it because of which those children and teen are restricted to get a proper education. So what I want is that there should be a Right to Education for each and every child and

Video Games: A Great Invention

Author: Soham Kadam Hello everyone, I am back with a very interesting topic. So today's blog is based on games. I hope you all will enjoy this blog, So let's begin. I guess that you all play different types of games on different types of devices like mobile phones, play stations, etc. But do you know who invented the first video game and when it was invented? I will tell you… so the first video game was made by a Physicist named William Higinbotham in October 1958 and it was a very simple tennis game which he thought of. Now you all know and aware of who invented the first video game, but do you know the advantages and disadvantages of playing it. Let me tell you so… the advantages of playing video games are, it can make you a better person, it can improve your vision, some of the video games also help you in your studies and it can also make us relaxed and reduce stress. The disadvantages of video games are that the people who get addicted to video games don't get enough s

My Idea Of A Fun Weekend!

  Hello everyone! Online classes are there at all times of the day except for the weekends. Many people would be either sitting again on playing games on their phones. But, is playing games really a productive thing to do at the weekend. And does it improve your skill in any way? So, today I am going to tell you about some activities which are productive and fun to do. 1 . Pursue your passion- Yes, many people have their own passions and hobbies but we do not do them regularly and see how much relaxed and energetic you feel! DIYs and origamis- Folding paper and making things out of it may seem boring. But, have you ever tried it? If not, then do give it a shot! Making imaginary constructions out of paper will bring you satisfaction and the love to do it more! Call out your friends and relatives- In this period meeting your friends and family physically is not advisable and many people lost their connections towards their friends and family. But, is meeting them virtually impossible? No

Suffering In Silence

  Author : Sanjay Kumar Anand Hello everyone! What comes to your mind when you think of Africa? A vast grassland with lions and hyenas prowling around and perhaps some elephants and zebras eating plants. We also know that many of these animals are endangered and many steps have been taken to conserve them. But what about giraffes? Are they not vulnerable and have they not been exploited like elephants and cheetahs? So, in this blog, we are going to take a look at the conservation of giraffes and what is their status in the world. Historically, the giraffe has been an overlooked species, with conversation efforts largely focusing on other African animals like elephants, lions, and rhinos. Hence, the latest report on the dramatic drop in the giraffe population has come as a shock to animal lovers. For many years, giraffes have been listed under the 'least concern' category by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the global authority on the conservation statu

Why Do I Write Blogs?

  Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! I am back again with a delightful blog. I have been penning several blogs since I was inaugurated to it but today I thought why I inscribe a Blog? I am having numerous justifications for why I write Blogs and I want to share these reasons with you. Lastly, I will tell you whether you should write Blogs or not. Let's go and dive into the globe of blogs. We should write blogs because it helps us in many regions. If we write blogs we can improve our writing skills, exploring skills, and more. Advantages of writing blogs are- When a person writes blogs, he needs to analyze the topic on which he is writing and that enhances the exploring skills of that person. That also enriches the understanding and awareness of the person. The person writing blogs also comes to be nature-friendly where he/she also gets wielded to the social difficulties and gets a novelty to solve these consorted issues. A person gets more thoughtful and developed by writi

My Idea Of A Fun Weekend

  Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! Hope you all are nice and superb. I am back again with a mesmerizing blog for you all. I am pretty confident that you will enjoy my blog. Are you the kind of individual, who eagerly wait for the weekends every week? I think yes and I similarly wait for weekends every week. The weekend is a duration where we get ample time to do fun activities, the activities about our passion, etc. I love this period a lot but what about your plans for each weekend? Many of us make plans before the weekends for this interval. So, today I will be telling you about some of my common plans for weekends. Let's go and dive into the world of blogging. I forever like to spend my time exploring some themes through the wizard of the internet. I always like to invest time in understanding something from YouTube, Google, etc. Many of us might believe that this is an entire waste of time but they are untrue because exploring enhances our thinking capabilities, matu

Child Labour – Soft Hands With Many Scars

  Author : SK.NIDARSANA YAADAV Child labor means the exploitation of children through any form of work below 18 years of age. Children are forced to work because their families are very poor that they need their earnings to run the family. These children work at tea stalls, factories, servants, and a lot of other places. We might have all come across these children more commonly at the signals. One such incident I have faced too. One day while on my way along with my family I came across a boy selling buns at the signal. He was repeatedly pleading with us to buy some buns and with much force, my dad bought some and he said to us that it was his birthday and he was forcing us to purchase. Not all children are as lucky as us. Our parents work and earn for us to give us a good education, good food, and good clothing and so we should be thankful for them. I have an idea that the government should pay poor parents for sending their children to schools. Then one day our country will be free


  Author: ARYA GUPTA Hello everyone! At this particular point in time, we all are terrified of the COVID 19 crisis. We all are strictly staying in our homes and also working from home. But we are mostly spending our time getting bored by watching movies, Youtube and Netflix. But not anymore! Today I've got some interesting pieces of information which will turn your boring days into fun and enjoyable days. I will tell you five things you can do during COVID 19 lockdown. I hope these 5 tips will be very helpful and you'll be busy in no time. Art & Craft… This is the best time to spend some time doing art, craft, painting, and doodling. We can think out of the box and go wild with colors. Yoga & Fitness… During the lockdown, we must be having a tough time maintaining our health and keeping ourselves fit as we cannot go to the gym, but no worries. We can do some basic exercises and daily work out at our homes. It is also good to do some yoga, Surynamskars, and meditations i


  Author : Rishabh Khandelwal VOICE REACHING TO THE WORLD Have you ever heard about a school having a radio station? I don’t think so. Having a radio station at your school is a very special thing but it also costs much for school. Schools set up a radio station to improve the public speaking skills of children. Being an RJ for your school is a very proud moment. I also wanted to be proud of. Come on let's read more. Our school has set up a radio station and it is a proud moment for all children of the orchid school. All children were given chance to become RJ. There was a selection for being an RJ for the school and I also participated in it. In that, we had to send the audio of our jingle. I also sent audio and was selected. I am very proud to be RJ for our school. I also hope for other RJ that they do well. The name of our school's radio station is “orchadio radio station”. Our principal mam told us about this in our online class. I was very excited to be part of it. This ga

All about books ...

  Author : Kavinaya Anand Hello everyone! Guessing the topic? It's all about books! Books, books and books. Why is it so? What plus- point does it give to us? You will find the answers in this blog. Dive in and read! Harboring a passion for books is considered to be a virtue. Fairies, monsters, witches, dragons, aliens all come alive through books that contain stories. Literature that is based on the author's imagination is categorized as fiction. Facts' books are known as non-fiction books. There are different types of stories in fiction books, as Action and Adventure, Mystery, Romance, Horror, Thriller, Fantasy, and many more. As in non-fiction books, there are Social Studies, Science, Art and Craft, Cookbooks, Travelogues, and more. Why do we need to give so much emphasis to reading books? Books introduce readers to various ideas that may help them solve their questions and problems. Reading books give you more knowledge. Reading fiction books can enhance the imagination

Facts of Animal Kingdom

  Author: Aditi Joshi Hello, friends am back Diwali holidays with a brand new blog on facts about animals. I have been extremely fond of animals since I was little and have learned a lot about them from my parents, grandparents, and several animal and bird books that have been stocked up in our bookshelves at home! These days time permitting, I watch my favorite TV Show - The Kratt Brothers, and their animated series from where I learned that Flamingoes are not pink. In fact, they are born grey, their diet of brine shrimp and blue-green algae contains a natural pink dye that makes their feathers pink. Amazing, isn't that! On their return from Canada, my grandfather who had seen plenty of hummingbirds in my uncle's garden chipped in on the fact that Hummingbirds are the only known birds that can also fly backward and do so often when retreating away from flowers. Another episode from another interesting cartoon that I used to watch earlier (and sometimes still watch) - The Octon

What If I Had A Special Power, And What Will I Do With It…..

  Author: Kavinaya Anand Hello guys, today I have picked up an imaginary topic, which is enchanting! So cool to be heard! Let's dive in then! The topic is, What if I had a special power and what will I do with it! So interesting! I wish I could have a fairy power, which means I could do everything I wish! First I will fulfill all my wishes (of course!). Then I will ensure this whole world turns green with full of plants and trees. Then I will fulfill the wish of educating every child, as each and every child deserves it. And I will also ensure that thieves and traitors should not be there in any corner of the world. Then, of course, I will save the birds and animals from the shortage of species and give them the freedom from being in cages. Let them live their life without being stuck in cages as being "pets". And also I will make a fulfill to a wish, which is everybody in this world will save water and electricity. They should not make World Wars. And yes, of course, eve

What makes me happy!

  Author : SK.Nidarsana Yadav Hello friends, today I have come up with a new and interesting blog. Today’s blog is about what makes me happy. There are a lot of things on this earth that makes me happy but one thing that makes me happy the most is my family. Yes, my family is my strength and my backbone. We are a four-member family. My family consists of my mother, father, and little sister. They are always with me during my good and bad times. They always motivate me and do scold me if I have done something wrong. My mother helps me in my studies and also she prepares my favorite food regularly. She also teaches me different ways of contributing to society. My father on the other hand gifts me whenever I have done well. He has always bought things that I have asked for. My father on the weekends plays with us along with my friends. My parents make sure to make the weekends a joyful and most memorable one. Though they scold me at times, they immediately make me realize my mistake and I

The Rohingyas

  Author: Jagjyot Singh Rohingya are a persecuted minority in the world, they have a history in Myanmar, the country that's refusing them. The Rohingya people are an ethnic group from Myanmar, called Burma. In Myanmar, one of the families has a house but now they have nothing those people show the documents of the property but the Myanmar government does not recognize their ownership. Do they say this is not your country where are you from? You are Bangladeshi. Rohingya are also denied education, health care, and freedom of movement. Despite living from generations they are not considered as citizens but are branded as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Most of the refugees are women and children hunger is hitting hard. There is a risk of health hazards, poor sanitation no place to live. Myanmar is not a place for Rohingya. Baby children are dying due to poor sanitation and hunger and also the military kills the children. When the military comes they just leave everything at home

What if we fell into a pool of liquid Mercury?

  Author: Lisha Patil Nowadays, even children know that mercury is incredibly dangerous, but it wasn't always so, until the middle of the last century, people took mercury as a cure for many diseases! Fortunately, those days are gone, and today you must be extremely careful when working with this metal, what happens if a drop of mercury gets on your skin? No, it's something even worse.. what if you were submerged in a pond of liquid mercury. Today, you will learn how truly dangerous mercury really is, and it's terrible effects on the Human body. Let's start by filling an entire lake with a huge amount of liquid mercury and put a swimmer there. Want to see if they can survive, and what exactly will happen to them? Let the experiment begin, but don't even think of trying this at home, if you've ever smashed a mercury thermometer, you must've seen shiny silver balls. Sure mercury is extracted in a completely different form, like other metals, it's extracted