
Showing posts from April, 2021

Earth Day

 Author: Om Salvi Hello guys! Om here to talk about a world-renowned event which is celebrated around the world, you might be thinking what’s the topic of this weeks blog. I will give you a hint. It is celebrated on 22 April every year.  Yes, it is Earth day. Today, I am going to tell you about what is earth day and, it's history, so let’s jump right into it guys. Do you know why is earth day is celebrated? It is celebrated to protect our earth because only on earth we can find a proper environment to sustain life so to protect it earth so a senator from Wisconsin in the US organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues and because of that Rallies took place around the country and by 1990, Earth Day was an event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the globe. The importance of earth day is to spread awareness about global warming and to plant trees around the globe to protect our environment the first earth day was held on 22 April 1970 and

My Favourite Cartoon

 Author: Tanishk Parab Hello readers! Welcome back to my blog universe, and today I will make a new blog known’ as “My favourite cartoon “, so without wasting any time, let’s begin zoom in! My favourite cartoon is Sunny Bunnies. It is a cartoon about five little bunnies that appear when sunlight touches the surface of Earth. The names are “ Turbo, Hopper, Big Boo, Shiny and Iris. These five in every episode get in trouble but find a way out of it. They have only one enemy, unlike other shows, and his name is The Big Wolf. Yes, the same wolf from the three pigs has made an appearance in Sunny Bunnies. He is from space and crashes lands on Earth to eat the bunnies. He is very smart as he makes complicated appliances to catch the bunnies, but of course, his plan fail every time he tries. The bunnies have befriended many creatures like dragons, robots, and even alien - bunnies. I hope you enjoyed my blog of “My favourite cartoon” go check out my previous blogs but until next time bye-bye!

My Favourite Subject Is Math

 Author: Mehvish Khan Hello, my name is Mehvish khan, and today my topic is “my favourite subject Math”. I know you all have a question, that why math is my favourite subject, not other subjects. Math is my favourite subject because in math we have to solve sums like addition, fraction and many more. I like to solve it, and it is so much fun to do it, and one more question you are having that is we all are facing problem in solving math, and I will tell you the shortest method to solve math. When you solve math, pause, think properly and then answer. This was the first thing, and the second thing is to keep your mind fresh, happy and sharp, so your mind will work so you can answer quickly. So I think all the questions are clear, so friends, tell me how did you like my today’s blog so, if you like it, please give me a like and a heart, so we will meet in another blog and thank you very much for reading my blog and see you soon bye-bye.

Reading Books

 Author : SIYA RAJKIRAN BHOSLE Hi, my name Siya. I like to read books. My mom gave me points on reading books. She told me if I get a hundred points, she will buy me a small gift, and if 200, she’s going to buy me a bigger one. I have eight books on my bookshelf and two moral storybooks. Total I have ten books now. I am reading Thea Stilton and the dragon codebook. It is a very inspiring and interesting book. She has five students named Nikki, Collett, Violet, Paulina and Pamela. My favourite is Paulina. Paulina lives in Beirut, love travelling and meeting people from all over the world. She is also very close to her sisters Mira. Her strength is, she loves helping other rodents, and her weakness is she shy and can be a bit clumsy. Her secret is, she is a computer genius. Her favourite colour is orange, and her nickname is Polly. Her secret ambition is to be a scientist. I have told you all about Paulina, so maybe I can tell you about Violet too. Violet lives in China. Her secret ambit


 Author: Anushka Chavan Hello everyone. Welcome back to my blog. My name is Anushka Chavan, and today we are going to talk about WORLD VETERINARY DAY. So, let's start reading the blog now! The World Veterinary Day, is annually celebrated on the last Saturday of April. This year (2021), it will fall on 24th April. The WVA and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) get up with a theme every year to create awareness on the importance of vets. Now, let's see what is the theme this year. The continuing COVID-19 pandemic is caused due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has changed life as we know it and significantly affected the global human and animal populations. Yet, through this challenging time, veterinary medicine is meaningfully and rapidly evolved, demonstrating veterinarian’s ability to cope, adjust, and adapt and to continue in their role as leaders of animal health and welfare and public health Let's now see what is the Award. The

3 Plants That Can Help Prevent Mosquitos!

  Hello friends, today I am Going to Tell you about Some Magical Plants which can Prevent Mosquitos, so let's Get Started with our Topic "3 Plants That Can Help Prevent Mosquitos! Author :  Shahdab Shaikh 1. Lavender Have you ever noticed that insects or even rabbits and other animals have never decimated your lavender plant? It is because of their lovely fragrance, which comes from its essential oil. This oil is found on the leaves of the plant. It is even argued, that lavender oil hinders a mosquitos ability to smell! This plant is very tough and drought-resistant once established. 2. Marigolds Marigolds, an easy-to-grow annual flower, emit a smell that deters mosquitoes. Grow them in pots and place them near your patio or entrance to your home to keep bugs out. 3.Basil In Indian homes Basil is common. Basil is another herb that can also double as a pest repellent. The pungent smell the basil leaves give off are what keep pests at bay. And since all kinds of basil work to ke

Covid-19 Sypmtoms

 Author: Chinglalven Langel COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. Most common symptoms: fever dry cough tiredness Less common symptoms: aches and pains sore throat diarrhoea conjunctivitis headache loss of taste or smell a rash on skin or discolouration of fingers or toes Serious symptoms: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath chest pain or pressure loss of speech or movement Most people who are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus have respiratory symptoms. They start to feel a little bit unwell. They will have a fever, and they may have a cough or a sore throat or sneeze. In some individuals, they may have gastrointestinal symptoms. Others may lose the sense of smell or the sense of taste. An asymptomatic laboratory-confirmed case is a person infected with COVID-19 who does not develop symptoms. Asymptomatic transmission refers to the transmission of the virus from a per

Online Classes - A Great Exprience

 Author: Ishani Parab Hello! I am back with another blog, and this is about Online Classes. We all have different opinions: some like them some, don’t. Well, I do like them. They have their pros and cons like you have more time because you don’t have to go to the school building. All you have to do is, find a room with no interruptions so you can spend the time doing your hobby, learning something new, spending time with your friends and family and most importantly, spend some time and get to know yourself. But of course, there are cons too, like you will be spending more time on screen so you have come in contact with blue light, which can be harmful to your eyes (I mean after school, you spend some time on Youtube or playing video games don’t you??) Now, you may ask me why do I like Online Classes? Well, maybe it's because I am not a people person and, in Online classes, you don’t have to interact with as many people as you have to in your physical classes, so it's just way m

Science And Technology

 Author: Naureen Anjum Shaikh Science and technology are important parts of our day to day life. We get up in the morning from the ringing of our alarm clocks and going to bed at night, after switching our lights off. All these luxuries that we can afford are a result of science and technology. Most importantly, we can do all this in a short time because of the advancement of science and technology. It is hard to imagine our life now without science and technology. Indeed our existence itself depends on it now. Every day new technologies are coming up which are making human life easier and more comfortable. Thus, we live in an era of science and technology. Essentially, Science and Technology have introduced us to the establishment of modern civilization. This development contributes greatly to almost every aspect of our daily life. Hence, people get the chance to enjoy these results, which make our lives more relaxed and pleasurable. Benefits of Science and Technology If we think abou

Be A Friend Of Trees

 Author: Shivansh Kumar Trees are our best friend. They are very useful for both, human and animals. They provide us with shade, fruits, oxygen, firewood and furniture etc. Once, there stood a huge tree in the park in front of my house. I saw many people sitting under the shade of a tree and children playing around the tree. I saw a swing hanging from the branch, children sitting on it, having fun. In the morning, the tree protects us from the burning sun, and in the evening, it was the happiest place for kids to play. Suddenly I saw few people coming into the park to cut the tree. People sitting over there started shouting, saying, “Don’t cut the tree, it is a home of the birds, it provides shade, gives oxygen ”. They gathered all around the tree to protect it. I also went there to support them. Everyone started fighting with the officers who had come to cut the tree. Lastly, due to no option left, the officers had to go back without cutting the tree. Like this, the tree was saved, fr

I Miss My School

 Author: Ovee Danave Do you miss your school? Yes, so today I will talk about that. I wish to go back to school I miss everything I miss my friends, recess, lunch breaks I remember the school ground I miss the skating I miss my teachers Their instructions and telling Teaching and preaching I miss everything I wish to sit at my desk Run around and play Pinch and push my friends with love I miss everything I am imprisoned now These screens are scary They make me wary No communication, no interaction Everything is out of action I wish to go back to school I miss everything..... THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO MY BLOG SEE YOU NEXT TIME BE THER IN NEXT BLOG BYE...

My Favorite Car

 Author: Devansh Amit Mhadlekar there are billions of cars in our world. My favourite car is Lamborghini Terzo. It is the 7th fastest car in the world. The price of Lamborghini Terzo is $2.5 million. The top speed of the Lamborghini Terzo is 355khp. Five years ago, Lamborghini Terzo applied low voltage supercapacitors in the popular V12 Aventador. The potential for this storage system needs to be able to deliver high peak power and regenerate kinetic energy with a limited influence from ageing and cycling during the vehicle's life. At the same time, the system must be able to symmetrically release and harvest electric power. That's why I like the Lamborghini Terzo. Thanks.


 Author: Keerthi Bavkar Hi friends and teacher, today my topic is UNION IS STRENGTH. Once there lived a farmer who had four sons. He was very upset because his sons were very selfish. They always quarrelled with one another. They would hurt each other even on small matters. One day the farmer fell ill. He knew that he would die soon. He decided to teach his son’s a lesson. He asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. Then one day, he called his sons to break the bundle.No one succeeded. Then he asked them to separate the bundle and break one stick all of them were able to break the sticks one by one. Then the farmer told his sons, “if you live together nobody can harm you and if you are separate, anybody can harm you. "The sons learnt a lesson, and promise each other never to fight and live together as one…… So friends moral of the story is we have to put in our mind that we have to be together in any situation, and we have to help each other. THANK YOU, FRIENDS AND TEACHER.

My Best- Loved Cuisine!

 Author: Kavinaya Anand Bonjour! All of us like some specific and tasty food. Around the world, It can be sweets, snacks, junk food, salads and more. And I have written precisely about that only in this blog! Read more about my favourite food, and in your next blog, write about yours if you desire! I adore noodles. Yes, but not that precisely I can tell it’s junk food. There are many different varieties of noodles. Some noodles are made with vegetable masala, so it’s almost healthy. Some of my favourite noodles companies are Yippee and Pathanjali. First of all, I got introduced to noodles by my mother. She once made noodles when I was little, and I just attached them to my heart as my Best- Loved Cuisine. And so, twice a year, I enter the Yummy Zone to eat noodles, Yum! Thinking of that makes me hungry! Lastly, I just ate noodles last week after so long. My mother made it, and she added paneer and corn with some veggies. And what? I loved it! And so, I end this blog with a tasty ending

Pledge To Save Food Today !

 Author : Srividyanjali Prava Wastage of food, a controversial topic indeed and yes we need to discuss it often. We are blessed to be able to eat fancy and tasty food, we complain cause mom has made something you don't like, we keep the food packed in our tiffin as it is! Do you all think this is good! Not! Nowadays if 50% of people are dying due to covid-19, 20% of people are dying due to hunger! I know you might be thinking, just 20% right, it's very less, if you are thinking so you are wrong! only 2% of India's population Consists of 1 crore people than imagine how many people are dying due to hunger every year! I have written a poem about how the food feels when we waste it and it goes like this DO YOU KNOW HOW WE, FOOD FEEL? We lay on your plate all-day Drying up and with bugs and flies it makes it worse We lay on the plate waiting to fulfil one's hunger But little do we know that at the end of the day we all end up at one place You

Electricity: A Boon For Us!

 Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! I am back again with an amazing blog which will help you learn about your surrounding. Do you like to play games on a laptop or mobile phone? Many of your returns would be positive. We all handle a lot of electronic items in our regular life throughout us every day. We see that in our home, in our surrounding such as parks, malls, etc. But as now we are at our home, we will be discussing the 5 electrical items which are common in our daily life. So, let's go and dive into the world of technology. Electricity plays a very great role in our life. It has made many things easy for us and many inventions such as laptops, bulbs & much more can survive because of electricity. Now, we will be talking about the 5 most common electrical items in our homes, which are:- 1) Televisions- Television also known as T.V is a type of boon for entertainment. It's a type of screen where we can see various types of things such as T.V Shows, Movies, Li

Why Do We Celebrate Holi?

 Author: PALASH SALIAN Hello friends, I am back with my new blog and today we are going to talk about Holi and we will know the reason that “Why do we celebrate Holi”. So let’s dive in! Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival also known as the Festival of Love, Festival of Colours and Festival of Spring. The festival celebrates the divine love of Radha and Krishna. It also signifies the victory of good over evil. Holi is being celebrated today across India. The festival of colours marks the arrival of spring and harvest season. The festival starts on the evening of the first day and is called 'Holika Dahan' where pyres are burnt. It is held every spring, on the last full moon day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month. The celebrations begin the night before Holy in a ceremony knows as Holika Dahan – or 'Little Holi'. On this evening, families light bonfires, sing and dance. The next day is sometimes called 'Rangwali Holi'. Holi is one of the favourite festivals

My Summer Vacation Plans

 Author: Maitreya Kharche Hi friends. Here's my summer vacation plan. My summer vacation is starting after final exams are over. I was planning to go to my grandparent's house, but because of Covid 19, I could not go. I am going to stay home, and I will play with my toys and watch movies. I will also eat yummy mangoes. Also, I will listen to music. I will dance, code, play, watch movies, etc. Sometimes I will also play video games like Roblox, Minecraft, etc. So this was my summer vacation plan stay happy, rise, and good summer bye friends have a nice day.

The Solar System

  Author : Shaurya Sonawane I have always imagined how this universe works. I am always fascinated by our solar system. There is so much to know about our solar There are eight planets in Inthe solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System. Its orbit around the Sun takes 87.97 Earth days, the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. As the brightest natural object in Earth's night sky after the Moon, Earth, our home planet, is a world unlike any other. The third planet from the sun, Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life. Earth has one moon. We call it "the moon" because for a long time it was the only one we knew about. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only