
Showing posts from February, 2021

My Tent House

 Author: Laisha Ranjeet Shetty Hello Readers, How are you all? I am writing one more blog today hope you all are enjoying my blog. Today I am writing about My favorite Tent house. I love my tent house gifted to me by my mom. It is triangular in shape and blue and white color. It is My favorite tent house because its blue color is my favorite. I like to play in the tent house. I have a Tent House in my Home. I like to play in my Tent House. It has two small windows and a door. I have a kitchen in my Tent House. I have kept pillows on one side of my Tent House and a small table in the center. I use the table to study and to eat. I keep playing in my Tent House whenever I am free.

How I Learnt There Is No Gain Without Pain.

Author : Rishabh Khandelwal Hello Everyone! I am back again with a wonderful blog filled with ample knowledge. Do you think that anyone can become anything despite any practice or struggle? The answer from my point of view would be negative. As we all know that, practice and hard work is the key to success, so we can only get the output of any activity when we put our hard work into it. In this blog, I will be telling you how I learned that there is no gain without pain. Let's go and dive inside the world of hard work and passion. I will be giving you two examples of my life where I learn that there is no gain without pain. Example 1 One day, I was in my cricket academy and the next day I was going to play a cricket match. I didn't practice at all that day so, I couldn't bowl well in that match. I was very angry at myself for not practicing and was very sad. That day, I understood that I need to practice a lot to gain something. Example 2 When I was practicing in my cricket

An Invention That Changed The World!

 Author: Sanjay Kumar Anand Hello everyone! The world is full of inventions, and today we are going to discuss one of the most important ones. Imagine what the speed of traveling would be in those days. People would use horse carriages to travel, and some would be walking. For a letter to reach a certain place, it would take several days to do so. It would also take many days to import and export cargo from and to another country. So, we are going to talk about an invention that changed all of this. Yes, my friends, I am talking about the first airplane! The history of the discovery of a flying machine dates to the 19th Century. It was invented by two brothers by the name of the Wright brothers. These brothers first hit upon an idea of a flying machine when they broke their toy helicopter. When Wilbur and Orville turned into adults, they conducted many experiments in the field of aviation. One such experiment was the wind tunnel experiment. During the winter of 1901-1902, Wilbur and Or

A Friend That Everyone Deserves

  “True friends are the ones who will not make your problems disappear. They are the ones who won’t disappear when you’re facing problems.” My today’s topic is related to TRUE FRIENDS. We all have many FRIENDS but few TRUE FRIENDS and there’s a huge difference in them. This topic reminds me of an incident that I faced. So are you ready to hear it all? Well, it’s a bit like a story so grab a glass of juice and relax on the comfiest chair and of course, just keep reading. It all started when I had newly shifted to my current residence. After few weeks I started going to the garden, but I only used to cycle as I didn’t have any friends and also I was too shy to ask a person to play with me. One day when I was cycling, 2 girls named Abhishri and Shrija came to me and asked if I wanted to play with them. I agreed happily, I played with them every day and looked forward to meeting them. After many weeks, I heard that Abhishri had to shift. I bid goodbye to her, but after she went Shrija star

My Memorable Rainy Day

  “Pitter Patter! Falls the rain, Splashing and Dashing! On my window pane”. Hello! Readers how are you all; hope you understand what my next topic is. Yes, you are right; it’s none other ‘My Memorable Rainy Day’. It’s really a very interesting and amazing topic. A Rainy day is a great gift from God. It was very hot one day, all at once, a cool wind began to blow. The sky was covered with dark clouds accompanied by heavy rain. The sound of rain on the roof felt like someone was pelting stones on my house. We all were very happy. The rainwater flows down the streets. People came out and bathe in the rain. I thought of a thousand things that I will do on my day off as my school was shut due to heavy rain. I started making paper boats and sailing them in puddles outside my house. Then I played few board games with my friends. My mother made the day more interesting by making ‘Bhajiyas’ a perfect snack for the weather. After having snacks we went outside to enjoy that weather. We had lots

My inspiration

 My inspiration Do you know someone who told me that “If you want to shine like a sun you need to burn like a sun”? This means that success is not all about studying hard but also it is about burning like a sun means be out of your comfort zone and struggle hard. The person who said to me is my inspiration. He is my father. Want to know more let's read the next paragraph Yes. My father was my inspiration since the day I was born. When I was small, for father I thought that there is nothing Impossible for him. That was the definition for him. He taught me to see dreams, bigger ones, and also taught me to make them real. Growing up, my father taught me many valuable lessons, specifically: to be kind to everyone and to never give up. These simple but important lessons have changed my life in its entirety. My dad is the kindest man that I have ever met. He never talks bad about others, always helps other people, and always tries to do the right thing no matter what the cost to himself

A Day In A Student Life

  The life of a school student is just studying, hard work and discipline but it is also fun and the best part of one’s life. A ex-students, whom I know, and also my parents, long for the good old days that is their school life is generally associated with a lot of studies, homework, and examinations. School is, waking up early in the morning, whether it is hot or cold, putting on one's uniform, hurriedly polishing shoes and rushing to the bus stop to catch the school bus, and getting used to the words “Hurry up! you will be late!” You reach school and again the same words “Hurry up!” do not let you rest in peace. At home, parents utter them like mantras and in school teachers and prefects do not let you forget them. Throughout the day, it is a mad rush, one period gets over, the other starts and you are ready for the second subject the third, and so on. When you forget to do your homework, you try to sit at the back and pretend to be looking for something on the floor or in your b

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

  Good friends care for you, Close friends understand you, but only True friends help and trust you… Hello everyone! Today’s blog is about my experience when I came to know in a situation who is my true friend. Read on more!!! When I was in grade 4, I had a good and close friend. It was a girl. She was taller than me but didn’t joke with me that I’m shorter than her. We had fun together, shared food during the break, and also helped each other with homework. This went on for a few months until we finished the last exam of grade 4. It means we were going to finish grade 4 and after vacation, grade 5! I was the topmost excited and felt as though on cloud nine. I can’t believe it!!! But something happened that made me droop… It was the Coronavirus Lockdown. Because of that, I was not able to meet my friends, enjoy playing in school, and also studying!!! Truly I missed that too! But still, I and my close friend had fun in online meetings, video calls, WhatsApp chatting, and I thought she w

Importance Of Water

  Author: Shanaya Jacob Hello, friends nice to meet you again. Today I have an interesting topic. The topic's name is Importance Of Water. So let us start with the blog. Water is necessary for all living creatures on Earth. From tiny insects to large blue Whales, all of us need water to survive. We can survive without food for a week but without water, we won't be able to survive for more than three days. None of the creatures on Earth would be able to survive without water. We need water for, cooking, bathing and keeping our house clean. We also need water for plants in our surroundings. Thank you very much for reading my blog! See you in the next blog.

One Invention That Changed The World.

 Author: Anushka Chavan Hello everyone!! Welcome back to my blog. My name is Anushka Chavan and today we are going to talk about one invention that changed the world. So let's get started. I think the invention that changed the world is the invention of the electric bulb because it lights up the world, we are having a light at night also and to study or do other works we need light, before this invention we were depended on Sun for light. The electric bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in January 1879 at his laboratory in Menlo Park. Thomas Alva Edison has built his first high resistance, Incandescent electric light which worked by passing electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass. The filament used for making was Tungsten. Thomas Alva Edison was able to invent the electric bulb because of the invention of Electricity. Are you wondering how was the invention of Electricity made? wait let me help you with that. The invention of Electricity was made by Benjamin F

The Lion King .VS. Bahubali

 Author: Khyati Gavale Hello, friends have you seen The Lion King and Bahubali, do you like those movies, have you noticed any similarities, well they have five things in common, so my today's blog is about The Lion King. VS. Bahubali. Well if you have not seen those movies, let me give you a clue. Let me start with The Lion King there was a kingdom named pride land where lived a very wise King named Mufasa. who had a brave son named Simba. let me tell you more about Simba, he was brave fearless, cute but most important he did not know the difference between good and bad. Simba had an uncle named Scar. Mufasa's real brother was evil and wanted the throne. so one-day Scar planned to kill Mufasa and has success but blamed little Simba for it. Simba was so scared that he ran away from his home to an unknown place where he met Timon and Pumbaa and very soon became best friends. One day Nala, Simba's childhood friend comes in search of help and meets Simba. She requests Simba to

The Great Warrior

  Helloooooo friends...................hope you all are fine..............yesterday we had a holiday. It was on the occasion of Shiv Jayanti' today I will write a blog on the Great Warrior - Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj'. His full name was Shivaji Shahaji Bhosale. His father's name was Shahaji Bhosale and his mother's name was Jijabai Bhosale. He was born on 19th February 1630 on Shivneri Fort. So we celebrate his birthday on 16th February every year. He died on 3rd April 1680. He was a great warrior. He was trained under his mother and his teacher. At a very young age, he learned fighting skills and other arts. He started the Maratha army which called 'Mavale" in Marathi. He fought against the Mughal emperor. When he was 18 years old, he won Torna Fort. After that, his large army captured a lot of forts. He was kind and treated his people very nicely. His army was always ready to die for him. There are a lot of famous stories like 'Pawankhind', Ta

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

  Do you all agree? All your friends are not your true friends, some of them are just a showpiece in our showcase, even I have so many friends but TIME and SITUATION taught me who is the REAL or TRUE friend The phrase of ‘True friend ’, explains what qualities should be ordained by a true friend. Only a friend, who is all willing to help you in need, qualifies to be called a true friend. Qualities of a True Friend Below given are some of the qualities of a true friend, based on which you can decide, whether a person is your true friend or not. Remember that only a friend with all the listed qualities will prove to be your true friend; justifying the said phrase True to the Core Another quality of a true friend is that he/she is always true to you. He/she will never lie to you and also will never keep you in dark about anything. Though, it might be unpleasing to hear the truth sometimes; nevertheless, a true friend will present only the truth to you. Eager to Help This is by far the mos

The Worst Day

 Author: Rishabh Ramasubramanian Hey, bloggers and readers today I'm telling you a story where everything went wrong. It started as a normal Saturday, I woke up at 7 am to go down and play with my friends. I came home at 10 am to get the news that we were going out shopping! I was furious and sad as I don't like shopping, and I couldn't play with my friends. I was planning to play with them but now I couldn't and had to tell them that I'm not coming to play. So I went to take bath at noon and came out all ready to go outside. I first went to a normal clothing store in Chembur. We probably stayed there for like an hour plus it was a closed store without the AC. So I was feeling a bit dizzy. Luckily we got out in time. Then we went to have food because we were hungry. So we had gone into a two-storeyed restaurant, one with fans and the other with AC. We were 5 people so there was no space for us down so we went upstairs to the AC room. I felt kind of relieved that we

If You Could Have Lunch With A Celebrity, Who Would It Be And Why?

  Wow-what a Wonder-full topic it is. It’s a great day for me to have lunch with a celebrity. I choose the legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Firstly, I would like to google about Sachin Tendulkar for his food habits and interest. As I know he is more interested in cricket. I would like to make a list of questions about his childhood, his initial stages of his carrier, His best experience with cricket. What is his experience when he got successful? What difficulty he felt in cricket.How he felt when his team won the cricket match. Who he motivated himself and the team when they lose the match. Oh, what diet he follows to be fit and what exercise he did. Oh! There are so many questions running in mind. Finally, the day has come to have lunch with Sachin Tendulkar.  I dressed up nicely with a coat, combed neatly, and with shiny shoes. The lunch table is filled up with all his favorite dishes of  Sachin Tendulkar. Never the last we enjoyed the food and the discussions. His time and ans

The Listeners(Poem)

  Hello! guys welcome to another exciting blog that is learned its name is the title only "The Listeners" so I will just summarize the poem. So let's start the exciting journey of words. The listener by Walter De La Mare is a poem based on the theme of mystery and the supernatural. the poet describes an incident about a Traveller. The Traveller was riding a horse, and he stopped by an empty, and perhaps haunted, horse situated in the middle of a forest, on a moonlit night. He knocked on the door but did not receive a response to his loud call. Instead, a bird received him when it flew from the turret of the house. The house was surrounded by ghostly silence. The Traveller knocked louder again and call louder to find out if there was anybody in. However, nobody answered the door nor did anyone come to see from the window, whose still was leafy. The poet creates an atmosphere of eeriness by describing the listeners, who are probably a group of ghosts, they stood on the stai

My Memorable Day!!!

Author: Jiya Singh Hello, everyone myself Jiya and I am back with another interesting blog, today I will be sharing my best "MEMORABLE DAY" with you all. I remembered my best memorable day, let me share with you it was "Mother's Day" and I decided to give a small and sweet surprise to my mother then I thought I should make a beautiful painting for her as she loves handmade gifts. I started visualizing that what type of painting should I make then suddenly I got a brilliant idea. I thought I should express my feelings and love for my mom through painting. I gave my best and finally completed my painting and it was looking very beautiful and lovely from my point of view but still, I was curious that will my mom like it, and also it was a bit difficult to hide from her while I was completing the painting but still, I managed to complete my work. Now it was time to give her the gift, but I noticed that my mom was so busy that she didn't even remember that today

Importance Of Pro-activeness

 Author : Tanishk Parab Once there lived two friends, Ajay and Raj. Ajay was smart and Raj was lazy. Having said that both are equally qualified. They were looking for a job. They met one godown owner and requested him for a job. The owner agreed to employ only one of them and decided to take a quick test of Ajay and Raj. He told them that there are two trucks loaded with bags of three different grains that are rice, wheat, and corn. He asked them to count rice bags in 30 minutes. Ajay and Raj went to the trucks and started to count the bags. Raj came back in 25 minutes while Ajay came back in 30 minutes. The owner asked that what is the count? Raj replied there are 45 bags of rice and the owner confirmed that it is correct. Raj was happy that he was able to get the right answer and that he did it five minutes before the finishing time. The owner then asked Ajay on which he replied that there are 45 bags of rice, 20 bags of wheat, and 15 bags of corn. The owner was very surprised


  Hey friends! I am Arya and today I am back with another exciting blog. So guys today I am gonna take you to another world. A place which I really really adore and it is much better than this type of busy and noisy world. That world is very peaceful and calm. But that world can sometimes be dangerous. As many tragedies can occur at any time but then, there is always a happily ever after. I hope you got a hint. If no, then let me tell you! So fasten your seatbelts everyone as we are gonna take an adventurous trip to the wonderland of books. Yes, I may sound crazy and you must be thinking what's so special in books, but actually, there is. You see, many people think that books are just some boring bunch of papers combined into one. But to me, they are just more than that. Each book leads you to a new different world and each of this world is so unique and so different. There are so many types of books that you can choose like fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, comedy, thriller, romance,

My Favorite Movie

  Hello I am back with a new blog topic 'My favorite movie'. As we all have seen many movies one or another movie will be favorite of us, for example, I like the movie Nobita and treasure of Bauvanko. The movie was an adventure. Let me tell you the full movie. Nobita and Doremon friend-GAIN,SUENO, and SUJUKA. It was summer vacation time it was the last day of school and Nobita was going from school to home and in the playground and he saw a hungry dog he gave the dog food and Nobita was going home and the dog followed him to his home. He reached the home and saw the same dog in the home. Nobita's mom lost her bag so the dog helped his mom to find the bag and he founded also so Nobita's mom allowed the dog to live in the home and Nobita named him Peko. Nobita's friend� Gian said ''let's go on adventure Nobita and Doraemon your work is to find where to go and Doremon took out his gadget and they started to find but when they went for lunch Peko started fin

Write About A Day In A Student's Life

  Hello!! How are you all so today in this blog I am going share my opinion of Student's life. You all know that when the go to school we are very happy and excited to go to school but when we come back to home we fell lazy, tired as well as pain in our hands legs because you all know that we write in the class and note down our notes in just 5min! No I can't do this much in 5min. So now we are going to talk about Student's live. A student’s life is a foundation for learning. A student has to face all types of situations and is trained for the future. They learn to obey, respect and discipline themselves. They get to mingle with other students and teachers. A child’s character is shaped during this period. School life is the best and happiest part of every student. They live with no worries and tensions about the future. They play, make friends, learn skills, and live life to the fullest. It is the school where discipline is formed. They learn to be punctual, follow rules,


  A good friend is the one who always overlooks your broken fence and admires the flower in your garden. In the cookie of life, a good friend is a chocolate chip. Your happiness is all that matters to you, good friend. For us, we always have a lot of friends, we have our beloved families, but there is always a person who becomes or makes you feel like a family. This person is well deserving to be your good friend. 'A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED.' A friend who is always willing to help you out in your difficult times is not only your good friend but your true friend too. We all should try to be true friends. Because a true friend is always a good friend. Trustworthy, respectful, loyal, and honest are the few qualities one should have to become a good friend. Many people will come and go out of your life, but a good friend would never leave. Good friends are like the cherry on your cake. They are the best part of your life. By- MAYANK BISHT Grade-4

How To Be A Good Friend?

 Hey friends, I hope you are having a good time with your family. Today I have come up with yet another interesting blog topic and I am sure you all would love to read it. Yes, it is about friendship. There is a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. So let me tell you how a good friend should be. A good friend is the one who supports you, honest, listens to you, motivates, forgives you, respects you, and always be with you in your good and bad times. I am blessed to have good friends and their names are Aldrice, Karunya, and Ishana. Well, let me explain to you what a true friendship is. In one of the subjects, I had scored fewer marks and I cried a lot but my friends sat beside me and they said that you are a fighter and you will score good marks in the next term. Between the time gap of my next term, my friends came home and kept in touch with me over the phone and shared the notes with me, and motivated me and you know what I scored 48 out of 50. So this is how a true

One Invention That Changed The World

What could be the invention which changed the world? Light bulb, glue, Trinitrotoluene(TNT), The circle, Money. Well, according to in me the invention of money changed the world because if money wasn't there then humans had to do a better system which wasn't as. After many appeared we had currency and the value of money to buy anything we want from the store. Money even was used to pay tax and buy tax and those. Now you see you go to the market and buy some Fish, the shop keeper says to give him 56 dollars and 3 Cents, and you just give the money to the shop keeper and then just go, but if money was not there, then you would have to give him something which he likes which could have been a difficult task because we don't know what the shop keeper likes and what can we give him and then the shop keeper may even scam you, Money is even used to make FRIENDSHIP among two countries because the first country will give the other country some money and then the other country will b

If I Were An Education Minister

  Education is every citizen's right. Education brings out the talent in us, it teaches us to differentiate between right and wrong. That is why it is important to provide quality education for everyone. If I were an education minister the first thing I would focus on is providing affordable education to everyone. People leave the free education provided at government schools and go to private schools instead because many government schools do not provide good education that is why I will personally visit villages and build libraries, science and computer labs there. I will also make sure that the quality of education provided in government schools is made better by making sure only qualified and experienced teachers are assigned the job, I will make sure the amenities in the school are developed. Many students drop out from school or suicide because of the pressure and the huge amount of competition at school so I will put up new education policies where 2 days of the week will co

How To Be A Good Friend

  Author: Agastya Mahendra Adhangle Hello Friends, Today we are going to see the qualities of a good friend. A good friend is the only relation which we earn in our whole life. To find a good friend who is loving, caring, helpful, honest, loyal, and most important compatible. This is the biggest achievement of us which we get in the form of a true friend. A good friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is somebody you can always count on when times are a hard time. Good friends are always caring, loving, loyal, passionate, a little bit critical of you. These qualities make a friend a good friend. A friend must be a good listener. Good friends should always be available for support. You should have friends with whom you can be sure for any help and support. a good friend is one on whom you can rely for anything. The life of a human being is full of ups and downs. So, at each stage of life, everyone needs someone who can understand and support with no expectation. Those special peop

Life In The City

 Author: Stavan Utekar Hi. Today I am writing about Life in a city. Life in the city is full of competitions. The schools, education system, etc, are well developed in cities than the villages. There are a lot of facilities available in the schools of cities, starting from lab to art and sports. But in the city, there occurs a lot of pollution. It is because many industries and many different types of vehicles run in the cities. These releases very harmful or toxic gases which are very harmful to the health of humans. Big cities provide lots of opportunities for jobs, works, and better education. There are also better healthcare facilities in cities. In another way, Life in the city is artificial. Man is completely seperated from nature. Peoples in the city is always in a hurry. They work like a slave according to the fixed routine. Thus, city life has both advantages as well as disadvantages too. Thank You

My Favourite Dog - BLUIE

My favorite Dog. Hi friends how are you? Today I am writing something about my favorite dog so, let's start. It is said that Man's best friend is a Dog and it is true. My best friend also is a dog. BLUIE, my dog's name. We will not address him as a dog, as he is a part of my family. He is a Labrador (Laby). He is with us since was 4 months old and now we will celebrate his 5th Bday in June this year. I quite remember growing with him, how small he was in size when he came home and now he is Huge Light Brown, and of course cute as he can be. We play together every day in our house and the garden. All my friends love him. My Dad has trained him such that he understand and do what I say. He is homely and when I am sad he always comforts me. He is so cute so adorable and so much protective for our family. He does anything to protect his family. I'm sure if BLUIE was capable to talk he must have called me DIDI 🤩 as my younger siblings call me. He is the most beautiful, clev

Indian Traditional Food

 Author: Shlok Chavan Hey Bloggers, I am Shlok back with you again with a new and amazing blog with you all. Today we are going to about the traditional food of some Indian states like Maharashtra, Chennai, Delhi, Rajasthan, and Goa. Let see the Traditional food of Maharashtra Maharashtrian cuisine includes mild and spicy dishes. Wheat, rice, jowar, bajri, vegetables, lentils, and fruit are dietary staples. Peanuts and cashews are often served with vegetables. The meat was traditionally used sparsely or only by the well off until recently, because of economic conditions and culture. The traditional food of Chennai - Dosa is a typical part of the South Indian diet and popular all over the Indian subcontinent. Masala dosa served hot along with sambar, stuffing of Potato masala(Aloo Masala) or Paneer masala and chutney. It can be consumed with idli podi as well. Traditional Food of Delhi - Rich, spicy, and extremely popular; chole bhature in Delhi is a must-tr

Antares, The Supergiant.

  Author: Shaista Bano Hello friends, do you know a star which is situated in the constellation of Scorpius known as? Let me tell you. Antares is on average the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky and the brightest object in the constellation of Scorpius. Distinctly reddish when viewed with the naked eye, Antares is a slow irregular variable star that ranges in brightness from apparent magnitude +0.6 to +1.6. Often referred to as "the heart of the scorpion", Antares is flanked by σ Scorpii and Ï„ Scorpii near the center of the constellation. It is classified as spectral type M1.5Iab-Ib, Antares is a red supergiant, a large evolved massive star, and one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye. Its exact size remains uncertain, but if placed at the center of the Solar System, it would reach somewhere between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Its mass is calculated to be around 12 times that of the Sun. Antares is the brightest, most massive, and most evolved stellar me